Symbiosis between panoramic photography, CGI and freehand drawing in landscape representation
This article aims to highlight the value of immersive panoramic photography, computerized drawing and traditional freehand drawing when representing the landscape, not only analyzing the particular interest inherent to each one of these techniques, but also underlining the added value that involves the integration of these three techniques when representing a landscape project. Architects learn to use most of the above mentioned representation methods, but photography seems to be the great absent in many of the curricula of the Spanish architecture schools. Therefore, in our lectures at Master’s degree in Landscape, we emphasize the importance of photography as a representation technique and we show several panoramic photography techniques that are really useful in landscape representation. Panoramic landscape photography will help us to represent the landscape environment, since these panoramic images compose a starting can vas on which we can already work from an early phase of the project superimposing the elements that will conform the project, with the freshness spontaneity and dynamism that characterizes the freehand drawing. Later, when the project is mature, we can also superimpose more elaborate elements that can be carried out with the help of software tools that allow us a very detailed and precise definition. This methodology has an additional advantage, so the representations can complementarily be viewed interactively from a computer or mobile device or they can even be visualized immersively using a personal viewer such as the affordable Google Cardboard, which uses a Smartphone as a display. In order to illustrate the advantages and the interest of this integrative representation methodology, we will describe bellow the used techniques and tools, together with some results and application examples.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Pedro Manuel Cabezos-Bernal, Hugo Barros Costa, Susana Iñarra-Abad
ISSN 1828 5961
Registration at L'Aquila Law Court no 3/15 on 29th June, 2015.
Indexed in SCOPUS. Diamond Open Access. All papers are subjected to double blind peer review process by qualified reviewers.
Journal founded by Roberto Mingucci