Scientific Journal on Architecture and Cultural Heritage

"DISEGNARECON” is an international, on-line, diamond open access and blind peer reviewed scientific journal focused on researches and case studies in the different fields of cultural heritage, and in particular on built heritage study, representation, communication, and valorization, in relation to the multiple tangible and intangible dimensions. DISEGNARECON is a wording made by two different Italian polysemantic words: "disegnare" (means "drawing" but also "design") + "con" ("with" or "through"). The journal invites submissions aiming to favor the discussion and debate between scholars of different fields.

The journal is published by the University of L’Aquila (Italy).

Editor in Chief: Stefano Brusaporci. Deputy Editor: Pamela Maiezza. 

Journal Manager: Alessandra Tata.

Editorial Board: Mirco Cannella, Giulia Flenghi, Alfonso Forgione, Alessia Garozzo, Romina Nespeca, Maria Laura Rossi, Andrea Ruggieri, Francesco Stilo, Alessandra Tata, Luca Vespasiano.

Scientific committee: [Italy] Marcello Balzani, Cristiana Bartolomei, Stefano Bertocci, Carlo Bianchini, Massimiliano Campi, Mario Centofanti, Enrico Cicalò, Paolo Clini, Simonetta Ciranna, Marco Antonio D'Arcangeli, Antonella Di Luggo, Francesca Fatta, Andrea Giordano, Maria Luisa Iavarone, Elena Ippoliti, Massimiliano Lo Turco, Alessandro Luigini, Michele Maccherini, Francesco Maggio, Roberto Mingucci, Patrizia Montuori, Antonella Nuzzaci, Caterina Palestini, Chiara Panciroli, Luca Pezzuto, Adriana Rossi, Daniele Rossi, Michele Russo, Rossella Salerno, Roberta Spallone, Ilaria Trizio, Ornella Zerlenga, Franca Zuccoli; [Argentina] Mauro Chiarella; [Brazil] Altino Barbosa Caldeira, Ana Clara Mourão Moura, Simone Helena Tanoue Vizioli; [France] Livio De Luca; [Germany] Dominik Lengyel; [New Zealand] Renata Jadresin-Milic; [Poland] Tomasz Jelenski; [Spain] Pilar Chias Navarro, Pablo Rodriguez-Navarro, Pedro-Manuel Cabezos Bernal, Teresa Gil Piqueras; [UK-China] Eugene Ch'ng. 

Indexed in SCOPUS

Indexed in WoS Emerging Sources Citation Index

Indexed in DOAJ

Indexed in SJR

Indexed in ERIH PLUS

Indexed in Sherpa Romeo

Rated by ANVUR as "Scientific Journal” for Italian Scientific Areas: Area 08 - Architecture; Area 10 - Ancient, philological-literary and historical-artistic sciences; Area 11 - Historical, philosophical, pedagogical and psychological sciences.


SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Vol 17, No 33 (2024): Forest Therapy. The challenge of the future for the project of living environments

Cover Page
Edited by Ornella Zerlenga, Valeria Menchetelli, Alex Gesse