
The volumes of the Journal, starting from n. 14 Vol. 8, are published on this website DISEGNARECON.UNIVAQ.IT

Back issues, from n.0/2006 to n.13/2014 are published on the website DISEGNARECON.UNIBO.IT, accessible via the menu Archivio_2006-2014



Between permanence and transformation. Multidisciplinary approaches to the knowledge, representation and management of the built landscape

Edited by Ilaria Trizio, Francesca Savini, Michele Valentino

Reflecting on the constructed landscape, intended as a stratified palimpsest that integrates natural and anthropized territory in its multiple expressions, periodically returns to the centre of national and international scientific debate. The centrality of the issue has recently been emphasized in Italy by the Strategia Nazionale per le Aree Interne (SNAI) [National Strategy for Inner Areas], a policy aimed at counteracting the marginalization and depopulation phenomena typical of the internal areas of our country. For the success of this policy, which finds its strength in new methods of territorial governance, it appears fundamental to develop a path of knowledge aimed at understanding those actions, both material and cultural, which, between permanence and continuous transformations, have given us the constructed landscape we see today.

The material and immaterial conservation of this constructed landscape requires understanding the complex phenomena that generated it, analyzing and managing the heterogeneous mass of information that derives from it, and defining procedures necessary to implement concrete planning, protection, and enhancement processes.

At the same time, the conservation of the built landscape also involves a cultural process that recognizes its value as material evidence of the knowledge and technologies that have shaped the territory and its resources. While recognizing the value of some types of cultural heritage seems automatic, attributing value to local artefacts and small territorial features, which are formal expressions of the technical and constructional knowledge of the people who lived in those areas, is still a complex process.

In an era characterized by rapid environmental and social transformations, reflection on the relationship between architecture, infrastructure, and the natural context plays a central role in research. This research must be approached with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches and can be supported by the use of digital technologies.

The close correlation between the environment and the built heritage is the result of the constant interaction between man and nature, and for this reason, the built landscape must be analyzed and interpreted as a synthesis of this constant relationship. In this context, the call aims to explore methodologies and tools capable of addressing the challenges related to the knowledge, documentation, management, analysis and communication of cultural values in the complex scenarios of the built landscape.

This call for papers invites scholars, researchers and professionals to contribute, each with their own approach and from a multidisciplinary perspective, to explore the theme of integration between the built environment and the natural landscape, investigating design approaches, development models and historical and cultural perspectives.

The initiative aims to promote an open and collective debate on the future of the built landscape, highlighting the potential of an integrated approach capable of harmonizing representation, conservation of memory, and protection, together with management and reuse hypotheses.


1. Studies and research on the representation of the built landscape;

2. Use of ICT for the representation and management of the built landscape and multi-data;

3. Integrating digital technologies for architecture and the territory (GIS-BIM, CIM, LIM).

4. Strategies for the regeneration and enhancement of cultural heritage;

5. Design examples lean toward integrating the natural environment and architecture.



February 15, 2025: Opening call for abstracts

March 29 April 14, 2025: Deadline abstract submission

May 5, 2025: Abstract acceptance

June 28, 2025: Deadline full paper submission

September 1, 2025: Full paper acceptance

December, 2025: Publication




Tra permanenze e trasformazioni. Approcci multidisciplinari alla conoscenza, rappresentazione e gestione del paesaggio costruito

A cura di Ilaria Trizio, Francesca Savini, Michele Valentino

La riflessione sul paesaggio costruito, inteso come palinsesto stratificato che integra territorio naturale e antropizzato nelle sue molteplici espressioni, ritorna periodicamente al centro del dibattito scientifico nazionale e internazionale. La centralità della tematica è stata di recente rimarcata nel contesto italiano dalla Strategia Nazionale per le Aree Interne (SNAI), politica finalizzata a contrastare la marginalizzazione e i fenomeni di spopolamento propri delle aree interne del nostro Paese. Per la riuscita di questa politica, che vede la sua forza in nuove modalità di governance dei territori, appare fondamentale sviluppare un percorso di conoscenza finalizzato alla comprensione di quelle azioni, materiali e culturali che, tra permanenze e continue trasformazioni ci hanno consegnato il paesaggio costruito attuale.

La conservazione materiale e immateriale di questo paesaggio costruito passa dalla comprensione dei fenomeni complessi che lo hanno generato, dall’analisi e dalla gestione dell’eterogenea mole di informazioni che ne derivano, alla definizione di procedure necessarie ad attuare processi concreti di pianificazione, tutela e valorizzazione.

Parallelamente, la conservazione del paesaggio costruito passa anche attraverso un percorso culturale che ne riconosca il valore in quanto evidenza materiale di saperi e tecnologie che hanno plasmato il territorio e le sue risorse. Infatti, se per alcune tipologie di patrimonio culturale il riconoscimento di valore appare un automatismo, è ancora un percorso complesso l’attribuzione di valore ai manufatti locali, alle piccole emergenze territoriali, espressioni formali del sapere tecnico-costruttivo dei popoli che quei territori li hanno vissuti.

In un'epoca segnata da rapide trasformazioni ambientali e sociali, la riflessione sul rapporto tra architettura, infrastrutture e contesto naturale assume un ruolo centrale nella ricerca che va affrontata con percorsi interdisciplinari e multidisciplinari e può essere supportata dall’utilizzo delle tecnologie digitali.

La stretta correlazione tra l’ambiente e il patrimonio costruito è frutto della costante interazione dell’uomo con la natura ed è per questo che il paesaggio costruito deve essere analizzato e interpretato come sintesi di questo rapporto costante. In questo contesto, la call intende esplorare metodologie e strumenti capaci di affrontare le sfide legate alla conoscenza, documentazione, gestione, analisi e comunicazione dei valori culturali nei complessi scenari del paesaggio costruito.

Questa call for papers invita studiosi, ricercatori e professionisti a contribuire, ciascuno con il proprio approccio e in un'ottica multidisciplinare, all’esplorazione del tema dell’integrazione tra il costruito e il paesaggio naturale, approfondendo approcci progettuali, modelli di sviluppo e prospettive storiche e culturali.

L’iniziativa mira a promuovere un dibattito aperto e corale sul futuro del paesaggio costruito, evidenziando le potenzialità di un approccio integrato capace di armonizzare rappresentazione, conservazione della memoria, tutela, congiuntamente a ipotesi di gestione e riutilizzo.


  1. Studi e ricerche sulla rappresentazione del paesaggio costruito;
  2. Utilizzo di ICT per la rappresentazione e gestione del paesaggio costruito e dei multi-data;
  3. Integrazione di tecnologie digitali per l’architettura e il territorio (GIS-BIM, CIM, LIM).
  4. Strategie per la rigenerazione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale;
  5. Esempi di progettazione che favoriscono l’integrazione tra ambiente naturale e architettura.
Posted: 2025-02-14



The values of Drawing in the Archives of Architecture between Enhancement and Innovation

Edited by Laura Farroni, Caterina Palestini, Elisabetta Reale


The architectural archives testify the original graphic expression, the traditional way of conducting the design process, thus representing the places of ideas, the explication of creativity pertaining to different temporal phases, between present and past. The materials contained there reveal thoughts and actions to be understood, in the current process of knowledge, through philological analysis linked to the universe of architectural drawings and images. Sketches, models, textual documents, photographic materials contribute to recomposing the puzzle of the design events, clearly rendering the roles of drawing in the paths that lead from the project to the construction and in the essence of the images that remain unfinished. The main aim is to highlight the values of drawing, the configurator of the idea that becomes a form and an analysis tool that traces its contents backwards, also through the new languages of representation.

Archives are therefore understood as places of memory, of cultural passages, testimonies of the different phases of architect/engineer’s life, places of the imaginary, of the representation of territories and cities, of the built and the unbuilt, places that generate forms of awareness about human’s knowledge and action, understood as possible connections of tangible and immaterial networks.

This heritage would not have been imaginable if the census and conservation of funds had not been carried out both in Italy and abroad. Today, the processes of identification, recognition of interest, description, inventorying and digitization offer a broad panorama of the archival heritage and the relationships between the different fields of knowledge, however, integration and in-depth studies are still not defined, both for the use of different languages and for the reference to multiple protocols and standards. In addition, the attitude towards the accessibility of sources appears different, in terms of consultation and enhancement.

The call focuses on the state of the art of architectural archive projects set up by public and private institutions, on the censuses of the works, and in particular on the contents with the aim of highlighting the aspects related to archival descriptions, future research prospects and the complexity of the relationships that can be established on the topic. The aim is to focus on thematic knowledge of the collections and protagonists of national and international architectural culture. Therefore, it is hoped that interventions aimed at the analysis of the design processes including possible interpretations through three-dimensional reconstructions and interactive explorations conducted with innovative technologies are proposed.

In summary, the intent is to investigate the directions of research on the theme of representation in architectural archives, through the forms of communication of memories that present a dynamic and transforming knowledge, with respect to the static and obligatory nature of conservation.



  1. Investigations on the archival heritage of architecture in Italy and abroad with a focus on the accessibility of information and content.
  2. The languages of project drawings: research, analysis and interpretation.
  3. Virtual reconstructions from archival documentation: graphic analysis, 3D modeling and use of digital technologies for knowledge and dissemination.
  4. Protocols, guidelines and operational trials for the future.



September 9, 2024: Opening call for abstracts

November 25, 2024: Deadline abstract submission

February 17, 2024: Abstract acceptance

March 24, 2025: Deadline full paper submission

April 28, 2025: Full paper acceptance

July, 2025: Publication


Before submitting a proposal, authors are kindly requested to download Author Guidelines at:




Le valenze del Disegno negli Archivi di Architettura tra valorizzazione e innovazione

A cura di Laura Farroni, Caterina Palestini, Elisabetta Reale

Gli archivi di architettura restituiscono la testimonianza dell’espressione grafica originale, del tradizionale modo di condurre l’iter progettuale, rappresentano pertanto i luoghi delle idee, l’esplicitazione di creatività attinenti a diverse fasi temporali, tra presente e passato. I materiali in essi contenuti rivelano pensieri e azioni da comprendere, nell’attuale processo di conoscenza, attraverso l’analisi filologica legata all’universo dei disegni e delle immagini di architettura. Schizzi, plastici, documenti testuali, materiali fotografici contribuiscono a ricomporre il puzzle delle vicende progettuali, rendendo con chiarezza i ruoli del disegno nei percorsi che dal progetto conducono alla realizzazione e nell’essenza delle immagini che rimangono incompiute. Si vogliono evidenziare principalmente le valenze del disegno, configuratore dell’idea che diventa forma e strumento di analisi che ripercorre a ritroso i suoi contenuti, anche con il tramite dei nuovi linguaggi della rappresentazione.

Gli archivi intesi dunque come luoghi della memoria, di transizioni di passaggi culturali, testimonianze delle diverse fasi della vita di un architetto e/o di un ingegnere, luoghi dell’immaginario, della rappresentazione di territori e città, del costruito e del non costruito, luoghi generativi di forme della conoscenza del sapere e dell’agire dell’uomo, intesi come possibili connessioni di reti tangibili e immateriali.

Questo patrimonio non sarebbe stato immaginabile se non fossero state condotte le attività di censimento e conservazione di fondi sia in Italia che all’estero. I processi di individuazione, riconoscimento di interesse, descrizione, inventariazione e digitalizzazione offrono oggi un ampio panorama del patrimonio archivistico e delle relazioni tra i diversi saperi, ciò nonostante, l’integrazione e gli approfondimenti tutt’ora non risultano definiti, sia per l’uso di linguaggi diversi, sia per il riferimento a protocolli e standard molteplici. Inoltre, appare diverso l’atteggiamento rispetto all’accessibilità delle fonti, in termini di consultabilità e valorizzazione.

La call è incentrata sullo stato dell’arte dei progetti degli archivi di architettura costituiti da istituzioni pubbliche e private, sui censimenti delle opere, e in particolare sui contenuti con la finalità di evidenziare gli aspetti relativi alle descrizioni archivistiche, le prospettive future di ricerca e la complessità delle relazioni che possono instaurarsi sul tema. Si vuole porre l’attenzione sulla conoscenza a carattere tematico dei fondi e dei protagonisti della cultura architettonica nazionale e internazionale. Si auspicano quindi interventi mirati all’analisi dei processi progettuali compresivi delle possibili interpretazioni attraverso ricostruzioni tridimensionali ed esplorazioni interattive condotte con tecnologie innovative.

In sintesi, l’intento è quello di indagare le direzioni di ricerca sul tema della rappresentazione negli archivi di architettura, attraverso le forme di comunicazione delle memorie che presentano un sapere dinamico e in trasformazione, rispetto alla staticità, obbligata e doverosa della conservazione.



  1. Indagini sul patrimonio archivistico di architettura in Italia e all’estero con uno sguardo mirato all’accessibilità delle informazioni e dei contenuti.
  2. I linguaggi dei disegni di progetto: ricerca, analisi e interpretazione.
  3. Ricostruzioni virtuali da documentazione d’archivio: analisi grafica, modellazione 3D e uso di tecnologie digitali per la conoscenza e la divulgazione.
  4. Protocolli, linee guida e sperimentazioni operative per il futuro.
Posted: 2024-09-05



Forest Therapy. The challenge of the future for the project of living environments

edited by Ornella Zerlenga, Valeria Menchetelli, Alex Gesse



The choices and methods that have been adopted since the industrial revolution concerning land consumption and the consequent worrying outcomes (massive urbanization, high population density, pollution, deforestation, climate change, intensive livestock farming, etc.) have, and are, increasingly leading to serious damage and imbalances to the psycho-physical well-being of our species. At the same time, and as another side of the same coin, in the face of these scenarios, there is a growing awareness that it is not Nature but the human species itself that must be ‘saved’ because of its behavior on the Planet. The recent global pandemic, which forced communities to isolate themselves for a long time in closed environments and interrupt social relations and almost all forms of production and work, has well demonstrated how Nature is capable (especially in ‘Westernized’ countries) of regaining ground in a matter of months, initiating a process of natural habitat regeneration.

During the pandemic, this context made people reflect a lot on the need for a so-called ‘return to Nature’ and, at the same time, on the resumption of healthier and more balanced lifestyle behaviors. Much was said about the urgency of ‘slowing down’ the contemporary lifestyle and, consequently, the need to live in natural living environments and increasingly outdoors, believing that these virtuous behaviors could act to the advantage of the ‘biological’ rhythm of life (in the medical sense, the circadian rhythm).

On the contrary, immediately after the pandemic, the pace of life has become even more accelerated and frenetic, both to make up for the ‘lost’ productive time (especially for profit) and for the increasingly frequent use of the same digital technologies for interpersonal communication (telematic platforms) that, introduced during the lockdown to counteract the interruption of school and university training activities, as well as of the tertiary and quaternary sectors of the productive world, contribute today to an even more sedentary life and to a vision regulated by technological rather than biological time. And, since technological progress is unstoppable, the human species (which has initiated this process since the dawn of time) today finds it difficult to keep up with the amount of information and actions, that the human memory has to take in, select, and manage given the 24 hours of the day.

It is now scientifically ascertained how much accelerating activities beyond ‘human’ capacity and, in addition, living in high-density habitats that are increasingly artificial and poorer in Nature alter the psycho-physical balance, just as it is obvious that the challenge of the future cannot be to reset everything to zero and return to living in what, for thousands of years, has been the ‘real’ home of the human species, made of tree-lined walls, earthy floors, and starry ceilings so much so that the idealized principle of the natural home goes back to the primitive architectural concept of the hut as formulated by Vitruvius. However, recent medical studies increasingly demonstrate that living in natural environments has a therapeutic anti-stress and anti-depressant function because certain chemical agents emitted by the flora actively stimulate the immune system, strengthening and increasing the body’s defense functions even against pathogens.

The WWF’s recent Living Planet Report 2020 demonstrates by data how the abandonment of the anthropocentric, self-referential, and speculative model in favor of an ethical and responsible attitude, aimed at preserving and restoring the planet’s ecosystems and biodiversity, constitutes an urgent challenge, and how environmental protection is one of the global priorities and increasingly requires a dialectical and historical interpretation of the relations between human societies and natural environments. In this sense, particularly interesting are the studies and actions conducted in the field of Forest Therapy, a recent current of scientific thought that combines the specific needs of people with those of their living environments. Through multidisciplinary approaches in several fields (first and foremost, planetary health and forest medicine), Forest Therapy identifies virtuous behaviors based on a concept of ‘health’ as the outcome of a process of adaptation of the human being to his physical environment, and such as to promote the improvement of living conditions through nature connectedness, interpersonal relations and social cohesion. Embracing these concepts in the planning fields of territorial, landscape, urban, architectural, and industrial design means activating virtuous processes capable of designing with the ‘natural’ Nature of our species to return significant impacts on the promotion of this practice in the different contexts of life.


Forest Therapy. The challenge of the future for the project of living environments is the new call for the next issue of DisegnareCON with which the magazine once again offers a broad horizon of multidisciplinary themes to explore, such as:

  • between tradition and innovation: languages, methods and techniques of the representation and illustration of natural environments;
  • misleading advertising on the falsely natural dimension of agricultural growing, animal farming, etc;
  • information communication for: raising awareness of the value of Nature; protecting natural habitats; combating climate change and its effects; promoting biodiversity and the anti-speciesist approach; etc;
  • ethological survey of living environments;
  • geometries, forms and spaces of eco-sustainable living environments (cities, nature parks, botanical gardens, workplaces, meeting places, schools, living places including specific types such as retirement homes and residences for the elderly, eco-fashion, etc.);
  • comparisons between national and/or international scenarios;
  • description of virtuous case studies including interviews with …;
  • comparison of ‘vertical forest’ and ‘horizontal forest’ models;
  • and many other ideas and reflections to propose and share thanks to the transdisciplinarity of the research field of drawing.




April 8, 2024: Opening call for abstracts.

May 13 May 20, 2024: Deadline for abstract submission.

June 3 June 17, 2024: Abstract acceptance.

August 26 September 9, 2024: Deadline for full paper submission.

October 28, 2024: Full paper acceptance.

December 2024: Publication.


Before submitting a proposal, authors are kindly requested to download Author Guidelines at:


Forest Therapy. La sfida del futuro per il disegno degli ambienti di vita

a cura di Ornella Zerlenga, Valeria Menchetelli, Alex Gesse



Scelte e modalità secondo cui dalla rivoluzione industriale a oggi si è operato rispetto al consumo di suolo con i conseguenti e preoccupanti esiti (urbanizzazione massiva, alta densità abitativa, inquinamento, disboscamento, cambiamento climatico, allevamenti intensivi ecc.) hanno, e stanno, sempre più conducendo verso gravi danni e squilibri per il benessere psico-fisico della nostra specie. Al contempo, e come altra faccia di una stessa medaglia, di fronte a questi scenari cresce sempre più la consapevolezza che a ‘essere salvata’ non deve essere la Natura ma la stessa specie umana in relazione ai suoi comportamenti sul Pianeta. La recente pandemia a scala mondiale, che ha costretto le comunità per lungo tempo a isolarsi in ambienti chiusi e a interrompere relazioni sociali e quasi tutte le forme di produzione e lavoro, ha ben dimostrato come la Natura sia in grado (soprattutto nei paesi ‘occidentalizzati’) di riguadagnare terreno in pochi mesi, avviando un processo di rigenerazione naturale degli habitat.

In tempo di pandemia questo contesto ha fatto molto riflettere sulla necessità di un cosiddetto ‘ritorno alla Natura’ e, contestualmente sulla ripresa di comportamenti di vita più sani ed equilibrati. Si è molto parlato dell’urgenza di ‘rallentare’ lo stile di vita contemporaneo e, conseguentemente, della necessità di vivere in ambienti di vita naturali e sempre più all’aperto, ritenendo che questi comportamenti virtuosi potessero agire a vantaggio del ritmo ‘biologico’ della vita (nell’accezione medica, del ritmo circadiano).

Al contrario, subito dopo la pandemia, i ritmi di vita sono diventati ancor più accelerati e frenetici, sia per recuperare il ‘tempo’ produttivo ‘perso’ (soprattutto per il profitto) che per l’uso sempre più frequente di quelle tecnologie digitali della comunicazione interpersonale (piattaforme telematiche) che, introdotte durante il lockdown per contrastare il blocco delle attività di formazione scolastica e universitaria, così come dei settori terziari e quaternari del mondo produttivo, contribuiscono oggi a una vita ancor più sedentaria e a una sua visione regolata da un tempo ‘tecnologico’ piuttosto che biologico. E, poiché il progresso tecnologico è inarrestabile, la specie umana (che ha avviato questo processo sin dalla notte dei tempi) stenta oggi a stare dietro alla quantità di informazioni e azioni, che la memoria umana deve accogliere, selezionare e gestire stante l’arco temporale della giornata sempre pari a 24 ore.

È oramai scientificamente accertato quanto accelerare le attività oltre la capacità ‘umana’ e, in aggiunta, vivere in habitat ad alta densità, sempre più artificiali e poveri di natura alterino l’equilibrio psicofisico così come è ovvio che la sfida del futuro non potrà essere quella di azzerare tutto e ritornare a vivere in quella che, per migliaia di anni, è stata la ‘vera’ casa della specie umana, fatta di mura alberate, pavimenti terrosi e soffitti stellati  tant’è che il principio idealizzato della casa naturale risale al concetto architettonico primigenio della capanna così come formulato da Vitruvio. Tuttavia, studi medici recenti stanno sempre più dimostrando come vivere in ambienti naturali svolga una funzione terapeutica antistress e antidepressiva poiché alcuni agenti chimici emessi dalla flora stimolano attivamente il sistema immunitario, rafforzando e incrementando le funzioni di difesa dell’organismo anche nei confronti di agenti patogeni.

Il recente Living Planet Report 2020 del WWF dimostra con dati alla mano come l’abbandono del modello antropocentrico, autoreferenziale e specista a favore di un atteggiamento etico e responsabile, volto a conservare e ripristinare ecosistemi e biodiversità del pianeta, costituisca una sfida improrogabile e quanto la tutela ambientale costituisca una delle priorità globali e richieda sempre più un’interpretazione dialettica e storica dei rapporti fra società umane e ambienti naturali. In tal senso, particolarmente interessanti appaiono gli studi e le azioni condotte nel campo della Forest Therapy, una recente corrente di pensiero scientifico che unisce le esigenze specifiche delle persone a quelle degli ambienti di vita. Attraverso approcci multidisciplinari in più campi (in primis, salute planetaria e medicina forestale), la Forest Therapy individua comportamenti virtuosi fondati su un concetto di ‘salute’ quale esito di un processo di adattamento dell’essere umano al suo ambiente fisico, e tale da promuovere il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita attraverso la connessione con la natura (nature connectedness), le relazioni interpersonali e la coesione sociale. Accogliere questi concetti negli ambiti progettuali della pianificazione territoriale, paesaggistica, urbana, architettonica e dell’industrial design significa attivare processi virtuosi capaci di progettare con la Natura ‘naturale’ della nostra specie per restituire impatti significativi sulla promozione di questa pratica nei diversi contesti di vita.


Forest Therapy. La sfida del futuro per il disegno degli ambienti di vita è la nuova call per il prossimo numero di DisegnareCON con cui ancora una volta la rivista propone un ampio orizzonte di temi multidisciplinari da esplorare, come:

  • fra tradizione e innovazione: linguaggi, metodi e tecniche della rappresentazione e dell’illustrazione di ambienti naturali;
  • pubblicità ingannevole sulla dimensione falsamente naturale delle coltivazioni agricole, degli allevamenti di animali, ecc.;
  • comunicazione informativa per: la sensibilizzazione al valore della natura; la tutela degli habitat naturali; il contrasto al cambiamento climatico e ai suoi effetti; la promozione della biodiversità e dell’approccio antispecista; ecc.;
  • rilievo etologico degli ambienti di vita;
  • geometrie, forme e spazi di ambienti di vita ecosostenibili (città, parchi naturali, giardini botanici, luoghi di lavoro, luoghi di ritrovo, scuole, luoghi dell’abitare comprese tipologie specifiche come case di riposo e residenze per anziani, eco-fashion, ecc.);
  • confronti fra scenari nazionali e/o internazionali;
  • descrizione di casi-studio virtuosi anche con interviste a ...;
  • modelli di ‘bosco verticale’ e ‘bosco orizzontale’ a confronto;
  • e tanti altri spunti e riflessioni da proporre e condividere grazie alla transdisciplinarità della disciplina del disegno.




April 8, 2024: Opening call for abstracts.

May 13, 2024: Deadline for abstract submission.

June 3, 2024: Abstract acceptance.

August 26, 2024: Deadline for full paper submission.

October 28, 2024: Full paper acceptance.

December 2024: Publication.




Terapia de Bosque. El desafío del futuro para el proyecto de entornos de vida /vitales

editado por Ornella Zerlenga, Valeria Menchetelli, Alex Gesse


Las elecciones y métodos adoptados desde la revolución industrial en cuanto al consumo de tierras y los consecuentes resultados preocupantes (urbanización masiva, alta densidad de población, contaminación, deforestación, cambio climático, agricultura intensiva, etc.) han llevado, y siguen llevando, cada vez más a graves daños y desequilibrios en el bienestar psicofísico de nuestra especie. Al mismo tiempo, y como otra cara de la misma moneda, frente a estos escenarios, existe una creciente conciencia de que no es la Naturaleza sino la propia especie humana la que debe ser "salvada" debido a su comportamiento en el Planeta. La reciente pandemia mundial, que obligó a las comunidades a aislarse durante mucho tiempo en entornos cerrados e interrumpió las relaciones sociales y casi todas las formas de producción y trabajo, demostró claramente cómo la Naturaleza es capaz (especialmente en países 'occidentalizados') de recuperar terreno en cuestión de meses, iniciando un proceso de regeneración natural del hábitat.

Durante la pandemia, este contexto llevó a las personas a reflexionar mucho sobre la necesidad de un llamado "retorno a la Naturaleza" y, al mismo tiempo, sobre la reanudación de comportamientos de vida más saludables y equilibrados. Se habló mucho sobre la urgencia de "ralentizar" el estilo de vida contemporáneo y, en consecuencia, la necesidad de vivir en entornos naturales y al aire libre cada vez más, creyendo que estos comportamientos virtuosos podrían actuar en beneficio del ritmo "biológico" de la vida (en el sentido médico, el ritmo circadiano).

Por el contrario, inmediatamente después de la pandemia, el ritmo de vida se volvió aún más acelerado y frenético, tanto para recuperar el tiempo productivo "perdido" (especialmente por lucro) como por el uso cada vez más frecuente de las mismas tecnologías digitales para la comunicación interpersonal (plataformas telemáticas) que, introducidas durante el confinamiento para contrarrestar la interrupción de las actividades de formación escolar y universitaria, así como de los sectores productivos terciario y cuaternario del mundo, contribuyen hoy en día a una vida aún más sedentaria y a una visión regulada por el tiempo tecnológico en lugar del tiempo biológico. Y, dado que el progreso tecnológico es imparable, la especie humana (que inició este proceso desde el amanecer de los tiempos) hoy tiene dificultades para mantenerse al día con la cantidad de información y acciones que la memoria humana debe asimilar, seleccionar y gestionar dadas las 24 horas del día.


Ahora está científicamente comprobado cuánto acelerar actividades más allá de la capacidad "humana" y, además, vivir en hábitats de alta densidad cada vez más artificiales y más pobres en Naturaleza altera el equilibrio psicofísico, así como es evidente que el desafío del futuro no puede ser restablecer todo a cero y volver a vivir en lo que, durante miles de años, ha sido el "hogar real" de la especie humana, hecho de paredes arboladas, suelos terrosos y techos estrellados, tanto que el principio idealizado del hogar natural remonta al concepto arquitectónico primitivo de la cabaña según lo formulado por Vitruvio. Sin embargo, estudios médicos recientes demuestran cada vez más que vivir en entornos naturales tiene una función terapéutica antiestrés y antidepresiva porque ciertos agentes químicos emitidos por la flora estimulan activamente el sistema inmunológico, fortaleciendo y aumentando las funciones de defensa del cuerpo incluso contra patógenos.


El reciente informe Planeta Vivo 2020 del WWF demuestra con datos cómo el abandono del modelo antropocéntrico, autorreferencial y especulativo en favor de una actitud ética y responsable, dirigida a preservar y restaurar los ecosistemas y la biodiversidad del planeta, constituye un desafío urgente, y cómo la protección del medio ambiente es una de las prioridades mundiales y cada vez más requiere una interpretación dialéctica e histórica de las relaciones entre las sociedades humanas y los entornos naturales. En este sentido, son particularmente interesantes los estudios y acciones llevados a cabo en el campo de la Terapia de Bosque, una corriente de pensamiento científico reciente que combina las necesidades específicas de las personas con las de sus entornos vitales. A través de enfoques multidisciplinarios en varios campos (en primer lugar, la salud planetaria y la medicina forestal), la Terapia de Bosque identifica comportamientos virtuosos basados en un concepto de "salud" como el resultado de un proceso de adaptación del ser humano a su entorno físico, y tal como para promover la mejora de las condiciones de vida a través de la conexión con la naturaleza, las relaciones interpersonales y la cohesión social. Abrazar estos conceptos en los campos de planificación territorial, paisajística, urbana, arquitectónica e industrial significa activar procesos virtuosos capaces de diseñar con la "naturaleza" natural de nuestra especie para obtener impactos significativos en la promoción de esta práctica en los diferentes contextos de vida.


Terapia de Bosque. El desafío del futuro para el proyecto de entornos de vida/vitales es la nueva convocatoria para el próximo número de DisegnareCON con la que la revista ofrece una amplia gama de temas multidisciplinarios para explorar, tales como:

• entre tradición e innovación: lenguajes, métodos y técnicas de representación e ilustración de entornos naturales;

• publicidad engañosa sobre la falsa dimensión natural del crecimiento agrícola, la cría de animales, etc.;

• comunicación de información para: concienciación sobre el valor de la Naturaleza; protección de hábitats naturales; combate del cambio climático y sus efectos; promoción de la biodiversidad y del enfoque anti-especista; etc.;

• estudio etológico de los entornos habitables;

• geometrías, formas y espacios de entornos habitables eco-sostenibles (ciudades, parques naturales, jardines botánicos, lugares de trabajo, lugares de encuentro, escuelas, lugares de vida incluyendo tipos específicos como residencias de ancianos, eco-moda, etc.);

• comparaciones entre escenarios nacionales y/o internacionales;

• descripción de estudios de caso virtuosos, incluidas entrevistas con ...;

• comparación de modelos de 'bosque vertical' y 'bosque horizontal';

• y muchas otras ideas y reflexiones para proponer y compartir gracias a la transdisciplinariedad del campo de investigación del dibujo.



8 de abril de 2024: Apertura de la convocatoria para resúmenes.

13 de mayo de 2024: Plazo para la presentación de resúmenes.

3 de junio de 2024: Aceptación de resúmenes.

26 de agosto de 2024: Plazo para la presentación del artículo completo.

28 de octubre de 2024: Aceptación del artículo completo.

Diciembre de 2024: Publicación.




Posted: 2024-04-03




Edited by Adriana Rossi, Pedro Cabezos, and Luca Cipriani


The use of active/passive sensors allows surfaces to be discretized on the basis of point clouds associated with radiometric information. The validity of the available applications is widely documented: in the last two decades, scientific articles on the subject have grown from hundreds to tens of thousands.

Polygon meshes generated directly (scan-to-BIM) or with the support of shared, interoperable processes can be navigated with powerful Real-Time Rendering engines to verify their characteristics within the image/video. Digital Twins (DT), when embedded within multimedia workflows and experiences (BIM-HBIM), can be managed by algorithms and mathematical models for the analysis and manipulation of geometric data, i.e., the modification of faithful and mirror copies of the digitally reconstructed product. The change in condition of the physical dual is retroactively controlled to (Field Information Modelling, FIM) record mutations, degradation or design changes in shapes. However, the massive availability of uninterpreted models requires an optimised development of methods for semantic segmentation and classification of the 3D data points, as well as the integration of additional content from alternative sources and different sensor types.

Ontologies of datasets - processed by Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms for the fast recognition of visual patterns (semantic segmentation) – have confirmed the validity of the services offered by the network: bringing the research of individuals into dialogue with Data Science is a necessity rather than an opportunity, especially for Cultural Heritage. The development of procedures that operate on the textures of models, projecting and visualising 2D results on the obtained geometries, also makes it possible to integrate and superimpose data and information from specialised investigations by experts in the field.

The attention of research therefore focused on the evolution of digital language, and, contextually on the standardization of codes and processes to apply to web content. The latter should ensure widespread and dynamic access in compliance with European recommendations and guidelines. In this scenario, the proposed issue of DISEGNARECON intends to collect and compare contributions that, in the international panorama, illustrate the most recent scientific developments with respect to the treatment of polygon meshes and discrete models.

Case studies will be opportunities to demonstrate the reliability of the achieved results, i.e., to discuss inconsistencies and limitations that can guide shared paths.

For the reasons stated in the preamble, discussion topics will include: 

  • investigations on the relationship between discrete and structured models to generate reversible types of networked and real-time rendered models for game-engines;
  • new museumexhibition and fruition techniques and multi-platform simulations (Common Data Environment) of experimental models for participatory dissemination;
  • methods for classifying 3D points useful for salient maps;
  • integration between survey and characterisation of 3D points derived from images/videos;
  • machine learning/deep learning applied to the processing of point clouds derived from image/video acquisition;
  • optimisation functions of algorithms from the computing environment inherent to mathematical modelling and neural network architecture for learning on graphs and pattern recognition for segmentation and semantic processing;
  • interactive circularity between acquisition, processing and inductive verification of processes;
  • development of standardised methodologies for morphological analysis, degradation mapping or enrichment and computerisation of data related to network services;
  • analysis and control of errors and/or inconsistencies (bias) in the input/output material of DL/ML/AI machines.



  • Accessibility
  • Inclusion
  • Museum display
  • Data extraction/analysis
  • Segmentation and semantic representation
  • Point cloud classification
  • Multi-temporal point clouds
  • Algorithms; Retopology
  • Fusion of point clouds obtained by different sensors data
  • Machine Learning/Deep Learning
  • Graph Neural Networks (GNN).
  • AI/ML/DL for point cloud processing



October 1, 2023: Opening call for abstracts

December 4 December 15, 2023: Deadline abstract submission

January 8 January 22, 2024: Abstract acceptance

April 8, 2024: Deadline full paper submission

June 10, 2024: Full paper acceptance

July 31, 2024: Publication


Before submitting a proposal, authors are kindly requested to download Author Guidelines at:
Posted: 2023-09-27




Edited by Stefano Brusaporci



Scholars of architectural heritage find in Graphic Sciences and Visual Studies a key reference for the analysis, communication, and enhancement of buildings. In particular, current lines of study in the field of architectural representation suggest combining the Theory of Models with the Visual Sciences: the scholar of architecture makes interpretative models which, primarily in the visual dimension, become communicative tools to develop a participatory discourse, where all the actors play an essential role, according to a concept of cultural heritage intended in a complex and inclusive way, synthesis of the apparent oppositions between tangible and intangible, signifier and meaning, reality and interpretation, picture and image, history and memory. These representative models, indifferently in the digital dimension or made with traditional drawing techniques, effectively possess the character of “virtuality” (Lévy, 1995) – that is, in the etymological sense of the term, they are endowed with “virtue”, i.e. with “potentiality” –. Therefore, we are dealing with a “virtuality” understood not in the sense of de-realization, but intended as a “questionable field”, where scholars, people, and heritage meet, and from which the images rises from an representative model on the basis of the interpretative model ability to shift its ontological centre of gravity. They are visually experiential models which by their nature recall, renew and develop, even in an unprecedented way the four concepts posed at the time by Mitchel in his essay “Iconology” (1986): the pictorial turn, the image/picture distinction, the “metapicture” – an image of one medium can originate from another image of another medium –, the “biopicture” – the images “clone” themselves and are cloned, so that the image takes on new and autonomous life –.

The DISEGNARECON ISSUE Vol 16, No 31 (2023) aims to encourage a reflection on the characteristics and potential of interpretative models and related imaging for the representation of architectural heritage, with reference both to past and advanced ones.



Visual Architectural Heritage, Architectural Heritage Graphical Studies, Architectural Heritage Interpretation and Presentation, Architectural Heritage Visual Storytelling, Architectural Heritage & Archive, Digital Architectural Heritage, Architectural Heritage Extended Reality, Architectural Phygital Heritage




October 9, 2023: Full paper deadline. Follows the double-blind peer-review process;

November 6, 2023: Full paper acceptance;

December 2023: Publication.


Before submitting a proposal, authors are kindly requested to download Author Guidelines at:
Posted: 2023-07-24





Edited by Teresa Gil-Piqueras & Pablo Rodríguez-Navarro


During the last decade there has been a fully-fledged revolution in the methods employed in the three-dimensional architectural and archaeological survey. The introduction of the multi-image photogrammetry (SfM, Structure from Motion) and newly 3D laser scanners have broken into a relatively brief span of time, so being it the advent of a new paradigm. All of this has encouraged not only the production of hyper-realistic 3D models, but also the popularization of this methods because of its extreme simplicity, economy and visual appeal of its results. Therefore, we can state that this technological progress led to a genuine revolution concerning the documentation of the architectural and archaeological heritage.

But, although its use is nowadays widespread, there is a need of emphasise and share some under-addressed or unsolved issues, in order to correctly express its potential. For this reason we release this new issue of DISEGNARECON, whose intention is to deepen the specificity expressed by the methodologies applied or applicable to these architectural survey methods, mainly ranging between two factors: the different scenarios (case) and the goals that are intended to be achieved (use). We’re clearly talking about workflows and minimum standards required, in order to engage several crucial aspects in the survey of the architectural and archaeological heritage, during the fieldwork (data capturing) as far as in the office work (information post-processing), or in the management of the resulting information (management for the final user).

Within this framework is presented this new CALL of DISEGNARECON, waiting for contributions from different approaches to the subject which include, but are not limited to:

- Case studies. Survey of the architectural and archaeological heritage. Integrated survey project.

- Workflows in the data capturing (methods and tools).

- Workflows in the data processing (software and procedures).

- Workflows in the architectural survey in BIM, AR, VR.

- Survey standards. Plans, representation scales, resolution mm/pix, point density, uses, …

- Solving problems associated with the three-dimensional architectural survey.

- Survey optimization. Timing, costing, precision, results, …




February 1, 2023: Opening call for extended abstracts;

March 24, 2023: Deadline extended abstract submission;

April 22, 2023: Extended Abstract acceptance;

July 17, 2023: Full paper deadline. Follows the double-blind peer-review process;

September 11, 2023: Full paper acceptance;

October 2023: Publication.


Before submitting a proposal, authors are kindly requested to download Author Guidelines at:



Patrimonio arquitectónico y arqueológico. Flujo de trabajo y Standards del levantamiento gráfico


Edited by Teresa Gil-Piqueras & Pablo Rodríguez-Navarro


En la última década hemos atendido a una verdadera revolución en los métodos empleados para el levantamiento gráfico tridimensional del patrimonio arquitectónico y arqueológico. La incorporación de la fotogrametría multi-imagen (SfM, Structure from Motion) y los nuevos escáneres láser 3D, han irrumpido en un relativo pequeño periodo de tiempo, pudiendo hablar de la llegada de un nuevo paradigma. Todo ello ha favorecido, no sólo la obtención de modelos tridimensionales hiperrealistas, sino también la popularización de estos métodos por su extremada sencillez, economía y atractivo visual de sus resultados. En consecuencia, podemos afirmar que estos avances tecnológicos han determinado una auténtica revolución en materia de documentación del patrimonio arquitectónico y arqueológico.

Pero, aunque su empleo sea hoy en día generalizado, es necesario incidir y compartir algunos aspectos poco tratados o faltos de resolver, para así poder exprimir correctamente su potencial. Por este motivo lanzamos este nuevo número de DISEGNARECON, que tiene como intención profundizar en la especificación expresa de las metodologías aplicadas o aplicables sobre estos modos de levantamiento gráfico, que variarán fundamentalmente según dos factores: los diferentes escenarios (caso) y los objetivos que se pretendan alcanzar (uso). Evidentemente estamos hablando de flujos de trabajo y estándares mínimos requeridos, de forma que podremos abordar muchos aspectos que son de vital importancia en los levantamientos del patrimonio arquitectónico y arqueológico, tanto en la etapa de trabajo de campo (captura de datos), como en el trabajo de gabinete (procesado de la información), o en la gestión de la información obtenida (gestión para usuario de destino).


En este contexto se presenta esta nueva CALL de DISEGNARECON, esperando aportaciones desde diferentes aproximaciones a la temática, que incluyen de forma no excluyente:

- Casos de estudio. Levantamientos gráficos del patrimonio arquitectónico y arqueológico. Proyecto de levantamiento gráfico integral.

- Flujos de trabajo en la fase de la toma de datos (métodos e instrumentación).

- Flujos de trabajo en la fase de elaboración de datos (software y procesos).

- Flujos de trabajo del levantamiento gráfico al BIM, AR o VR.

- Estándares de levantamiento. Planos, escalas, resolución mm/pix, densidad de puntos, usos,..

- Resolución de problemas asociados al levantamiento gráfico tridimensional.

- Optimización de los levantamientos. Tiempos, costes, precisión, resultados,..




Patrimonio architettonico e archeologico. Workflow e Standards di rilievo


Edited by Teresa Gil-Piqueras & Pablo Rodríguez-Navarro


Negli ultimi dieci anni abbiamo assistito a una vera e propria rivoluzione metodologica per ciò che concerne il rilevamento tridimensionale del patrimonio architettonico e archeologico. La fotogrammetria multi-immagine (SfM, Structure from Motion) e i nuovi laser scanner 3d hanno fatto irruzione all’interno di un arco temporale relativamente breve, tanto che è legittimo parlare della comparsa di un nuovo paradigma. Tutto ciò ha favorito non solo la produzione di modelli tridimensionali iperrealistici, ma anche la divulgazione ad ampio raggio di questi metodi grazie alla loro estrema semplicità, economia e l’attrattiva visuale che i loro risultati sono in grado di esercitare. Di conseguenza, possiamo affermare che tali progressi tecnologici hanno determinato un’autentica rivoluzione nell’ambito della documentazione del patrimonio architettonico e archeologico.

Certo è che, sebbene l’impiego di tali metodologie sia ad oggi dilagante, risulta necessario porre l’accento su alcuni aspetti irrisolti o poco trattati e condividerli, di modo che possano esprimere appieno il proprio potenziale. Per questo motivo avviamo la pubblicazione di questo nuovo numero di DISEGNARECON, la cui intenzione è quella di approfondire la specificità espressa dalle metodologie applicate o applicabili a tali forme di rilevamento, che varieranno fondamentalmente in base a due fattori: i differenti scenari (caso) e gli obiettivi che si desidera raggiungere (uso).

Ci collochiamo evidentemente nell’ambito di workflow e standard minimi richiesti, in maniera da poter affrontare molti aspetti che sono di vitale importanza nel campo del rilevamento del patrimonio architettonico e archeologico, tanto durante il lavoro di campo (presa di dati) quanto in ufficio (processamento delle informazioni), così come nella gestione dell’informazione risultante (per l’utente finale).


In tale contesto si presenta questa nuova CALL di DISEGNAREON, con l’intenzione di ricevere contributi procedenti da diversi approcci a tali tematiche, che includono ma non sono limitati a:

- Casi di studio. Rilevamento del patrimonio architettonico e archeologico. Progetto di rilevamento integrato.

- Workflow in fase di presa dati (metodi e strumenti).

- Workflow in fase di elaborazione dati (software e processi).

- Workflow di rilevamento in BIM, AR o VR.

- Standard di rilievo. Disegni restitutivi, scale di rappresentazione, risoluzione mm/px, densità di punti, usi, …

- Risoluzione di problematiche associate al rilevamento tridimensionale.

- Ottimizzazione del rilievo. Tempi, costi, precisione, risultati, …

Posted: 2023-01-17 More...

CALL FOR PAPERS DISEGNARECON ISSUE Vol 15, No 29 (2022) - Postposed deadlines



Drones and Drawings - methods of data acquisition, management, and representation

Edited by Salvatore Barba, Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio

Postposed deadlines:

May 2, 2022: Opening call for extended abstracts;

July 8, 2022: Deadline extended abstract submission;

July 25, 2022: Extended abstract acceptance.

September 5, September 26, 2022: Full paper deadline. Follows the double-blind peer-review process.

October 31, 2022: Full paper acceptance.

December 2022: Publication


Before submitting a proposal, authors are kindly requested to download Author Guidelines at:

Posted: 2022-06-23



Drones and Drawings - methods of data acquisition, management, and representation

Edited by Salvatore Barba, Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio


The use of UAVs is increasingly widespread in activities related to the documentation of Cultural Heritage. Recent years have seen the rapid development of methodologies, calculation platforms, and tools aimed at integrating heterogeneous data, especially from survey campaigns that use drones to reach privileged observation points and ensure full coverage of the investigated object. The definition of increasingly specific and reliable photogrammetric acquisition procedures, also thanks to the widespread use of small drones (micro and mini UAVs), has produced significant experiments and interesting results in the archaeological, architectural, and territorial fields. Universities, research centers, and companies are increasingly involved in activities to optimize the related information acquisition and management processes.  The common objective of these researches is to arrive at an effective configuration of integrated, verified, and discretized data, from which to structure valid multiscale and multilevel representation systems. Thus, the different categories of drones, UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems), USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicles), and UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicles), today applied for the documentation of heritage, find their specific field of experimentation also in the Design area, integrating systems and measurement tools to contribute to the definition of new and unique databases and systems of representation of the Cultural Heritage.

The new DISEGNARECON call proposes to promote an interdisciplinary and international exchange with the aim of collecting recent experiences on the theme of the use of drones in the field of Surveying and Drawing and to provide a moment of reflection between the academic realities concerned with the development of research in the field of architectural and territorial documentation.

The call is intended to stimulate a dialogue according to several possible arguments which include, but are not limited to:

  • UAS applications in different environments: archaeological, urban, monumental;
  • New approaches to fast, low-cost, and open sources survey;
  • Data integration, comparison, and quality assessment of UAV survey.
  • 3D modeling from UAVs for the visualization, preservation, and sharing of complex architectures;
  • UAS to support Building Information Modeling workflows;




May 2, 2022: Opening call for extended abstracts;

June 24, 2022: Deadline extended abstract submission;

July 4, 2022: Extended abstract acceptance.

September 5, 2022: Full paper deadline. Follows the double-blind peer-review process.

October 31, 2022: Full paper acceptance.

December 2022: Publication


Before submitting a proposal, authors are kindly requested to download Author Guidelines at:

Posted: 2022-04-20



Cities and Migration: Visual approaches to the challenges of increasingly diverse cities


Editors: Beniamino Polimeni and Michael A. Toler            


Almost invariably, cities are the product of movement. They were born at harbours of coasts, mountain passages, crossroads, along rivers, or near transportation hubs, springing up from places where people and goods could move in and out freely. Their existence has been historically connected to the presence of structures to facilitate mercantile activity, collect taxes, maintain law and order, administer distribution and transportation networks, and to house, feed and entertain workers, either temporarily or permanently.            
Therefore, large human movements directly resulted from urbanisation, since cities represented opportunities for work and freedom. However, the migrants are also vulnerable to exploitation.

In the 20th century, the issue of migration and the growth of cities became more pressing than at any other time in history, a trend that has accelerated in this century.

While migration to urban areas has always posed challenges for architecture and urban planning, the magnitude of these challenges is also growing. The movements of people are correlated to broad economic, social and technological transformations, whether it is new, more expensive technologies that lead to the demise of small farms, thus pushing people from the countryside to cities, or larger issues such as political unrest, oppression, armed conflict, or disasters, both environmental and human-made, more people move away from the place of their birth than at any time before. Indeed, many, particularly refugees, will be obliged to uproot their lives multiple times before settling permanently. The 2020 World Migration Report of the International Organization for Migration (OIM) estimates that 281 million people live in a country other than their countries of birth in 2020, 128 million more than in 1990, and over three times the estimated number in 1970. Two-thirds of them are labour migrants, with the rest including people fleeing conflict or disaster, whether natural, human-made, or a combination thereof. These are some of the push factors that lead to increased internal and international migration. Simultaneously, pull factors such as educational, cultural and, above all, economic opportunities attract migrants to urban areas. 


The United National estimates that by 2050, two out of every three people will be living in cities. This will have a transformative impact on urban areas in ways that may be positive, negative, or neutral: rapid urban sprawl, the rise of megacities, cultural revival through the introduction of difference, increasing inequality, growth in the arts, a more conducive environment for innovation, increased corruption, crime and human exploitation, etc. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the UN General Assembly, emphasises these aspects in the  Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, 'Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable'. The actions of policymakers can be instrumental in determining the direction of expanding urban populations, but architects and urban planners are also critical to ensuring the effective integration of migrants and social inclusion. Urban forms can cultivate or hinder the effective development of communities that include both current residents and new arrivals. 


This issue of DISEGNARE CON will highlight new architectural and landscape/urban planning responses on migration, including strategies for reinforcing social inclusion and urban diversity. Priority will be given to papers based on an argument that analyses visual and material culture; look at issues of migration and urban growth through the lens of the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals; or that use data visualisations, GIS mapping, and multimedia archives to explore some aspect of questions relating to migration and urbanisation.


Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Cultural reactivation of marginal areas;
  • Adaptive reuse to suit the changing needs of existing or changing populations;
  • Distribution of migrant populations across the urban landscape;
  • Best practices for refugees settlements;
  • Strategies through which increasingly diverse urban communities can enhance the quality of life for residents of cities;
  • Best practices for transportation infrastructure that take into consideration global environmental challenges;
  • Models for the design or housing, educational and recreational facilities in urban areas;
  • Sustainable urban development in a time of global climate change;
  • The impact of global climate change on migration and on vulnerable urban areas;
  • Changing relationship between urban, suburban, and rural areas;
  • How urban planning and architecture can help realise the positive impact of urban diversity and minimise the potential for conflict.




February 1, 2022: Opening call for extended abstracts;

March 27, 2022: Deadline extended abstract submission;

April 24, 2022: Extended Abstract acceptance.

July 15, 2022: Full paper deadline. Follows the double-blind peer-review process.

September 11, 2022: Full paper acceptance.

October 2022: Publication.


To submit a proposal please visit:

Posted: 2022-01-29



Virtual reconstruction and restoration. Comparing methodologies, practices, and experiences



Emanuel Demetrescu, Daniele Ferdani (ISPC-CNR, Institute of Heritage Science – Italian National Research Council)

and Ilaria Trizio (ITC-CNR, Construction Technologies Institute – Italian National Research Council)


The digital technologies currently in use for the virtual representation of archaeological sites, and architectural artefacts offer researchers and scholars a wider range of possibilities than a few decades ago. The rapid evolution of ICT applied to the Cultural Heritage field has greatly advantaged the archaeological interpretation’s process; the latter, thanks to the development of three-dimensional acquisition, analysis, and visualization methodologies, is now able to extract previously unthinkable information, and to advance reconstructive hypotheses for landscapes, sites and artefacts; moreover, the scientific processes that underlie such works can now become more evident. Especially in the architectural field, ICTs have made clear the interpretation’s process integrating data resulting by the field survey with those relating to the state of surface’s degradation, finally making them readable directly on the virtual models, thanks to accurate ontologies. This has made it possible to create virtual restoration simulations or, when possible, three-dimensional reconstructions based on analytical readings obtained by crossing the documentary sources with the material traces that can be read directly on the artefacts. Over the years, methodologies and operational practices have been developed in the various fields of Archaeology, Architecture, and Restoration relying on both the theoretical basis of the respective disciplines and on scientific principles borrowed from philology and physical restoration. On an international level, numerous research groups have developed approaches focused on scenarios that are very different from one to another; for example the reconstructions of a landscape, at urban or architectural scale, starting from very different scientific and cultural backgrounds.

Therefore, the call is intended to provide an overview of the different meanings and operational methods, related to virtual restoration and reconstruction and scientific visualization, currently in use in the disciplinary sectors involved in the documentation, analysis, conservation, and fruition of cultural heritage, attribute. The call also is an opportunity to open a round table that can help to debate and define a common language between architects, archaeologists, restorers, and other experts from different fields.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Virtual reconstructions of archaeological sites and architectural assets as a tool for interpretation, and simulation and scientific dissemination
  • Virtual restoration as support to physical restoration, a tool for simulation, and/or scientific dissemination
  • Semantic 3D models for documentation, analyses, and virtual reconstruction;
  • ICT solutions for the collection, analysis, data integration, simulation, graphical annotation, and visualization of virtual reconstructions;
  • Workflows and procedures connecting tools, and methods from different disciplines;
  • Restoration and physical replicas through digitisation and 3D printing



April 1, 2021: Opening call for abstracts

April 30, May 15, 2021: Extended deadline abstract submission

May 15, June 12, 2021: Abstract acceptance

July 30, September 5, 2021: Deadline full paper submission

15 Novembre, October 31, 2021: Full paper acceptance


To submit a proposal please visit:


Ricostruzione e restauro virtuale. Metodologie, prassi operative ed esperienze a confronto


a cura di: Emanuel Demetrescu, Daniele Ferdani (ISPC-CNR, Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)

e Ilaria Trizio  (Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)


Le tecnologie digitali attualmente in uso per la rappresentazione virtuale di siti archeologici e di manufatti architettonici offrono a ricercatori e studiosi un ventaglio di possibilità molto esteso. Della rapida evoluzione delle ICT applicate al patrimonio culturale ha beneficiato molto anche l’interpretazione archeologica che, grazie allo sviluppo di metodologie e strumenti di acquisizione, analisi e visualizzazione tridimensionale, è oggi in grado di estrarre informazioni prima impensabili, e di avanzare ipotesi ricostruttive di paesaggi, siti e reperti basata su solide evidenze, oltre che esplicitare e veicolare i processi scientifici che ne sono alla base. Soprattutto in campo architettonico le ICT hanno consentito di integrare all’interno di modelli virtuali, spesso costruiti grazie ad accurate ontologie, i dati del rilievo con quelli relativi allo stato di fatto e al degrado delle superfici. Ciò ha permesso di realizzare simulazioni di restauro virtuale o, quando possibile, ricostruzioni tridimensionali basate su letture analitiche ottenute incrociando le fonti documentarie con le tracce materiali leggibili direttamente sui manufatti. Nel corso degli anni, nei vari settori dell’archeologia, dell’architettura e del restauro sono state sviluppate metodologie e prassi operative fondate su basi teoriche e metodologiche delle rispettive discipline. Parallelamente, a livello internazionale, numerosi gruppi di ricerca hanno sviluppato interessanti approcci diversificati, in quanto a background scientifici e culturali e a prassi operative.

La call si propone di stimolare una riflessione sui differenti significati e le differenti modalità operative che i settori disciplinari operanti nella documentazione, analisi, conservazione e fruizione del patrimonio culturale attribuiscono alla ricostruzione virtuale e alla visualizzazione scientifica.  

Si presenta altresì come occasione per aprire un confronto che possa aiutare a definire una sinergica interazione sul piano delle metodiche e delle procedure tra architetti, archeologi, restauratori, ed altri esperti studiosi provenienti anche da settori disciplinari differenti.


Gli argomenti di interesse includono, ma non sono limitati a:

  • Ricostruzioni virtuali di siti archeologici e manufatti architettonici come strumento di interpretazione critica, simulazione e divulgazione scientifica;
  • Restauro virtuale come supporto al restauro fisico, simulazione e/o divulgazione scientifica;
  • Modelli 3D semantici per la documentazione, analisi e ricostruzione virtuale;
  • Soluzioni ICT per la raccolta, analisi, integrazione di dati, simulazione, e visualizzazione di ricostruzioni virtuali;
  • Flussi di lavoro e procedure per la connessione di strumenti e metodi di diverse discipline;
  • Restauro e repliche fisiche tramite digitalizzazione e stampa 3D.
Posted: 2021-03-29



Semantic-driven analysis and classification in architectural heritage

Editors: Livio De Luca and Michele Russo

In the architectonic field, the study, comparison, and connection of morphological properties are crucial to approach a building analysis. Its formal complexity depends on the relationships and inferences between the shapes, according to their spatial and functional hierarchical system. Digital technologies open today new opportunities for the cross-analysis of many cultural heritage artifacts, afar in space but close in features (typologies, styles, compositional rules), stimulating the creation of innovative scientific frameworks.

This goal shifts the focus to the analysis of architectural heritage’s geometric nature towards a new generation of semantic-aware digital models. Beyond the generation of accurate reality-based 3D models, creating an interpretative geometric representation of architectural shapes is essential. It involves researches on shape grammars, parametric modeling, and multi-purposes interpretative models, as well as on the formalisation of historic knowledge. Besides, the integration of AR and MR tools in situ allows reaching a more immersive visualization, improving the analysis of the real world. Finally, as the object’s shape analysis frequently involves interpretation of similarity metrics, artificial intelligence is opening new scenarios in the massive analysis, classification, and morphology segmentation.

The architectonic shape analysis involves different cognitive processes based on traditional and digital methods. The definition of experimental paths to study these shapes and their hierarchical relations is an open topic. The ability to combine theoretical knowledge with technological evolution is a cultural challenge. It moves towards a sustainable framework to merge human-driven interpretation and computer-based massive analysis within cross-disciplinary approaches. This journal issue collects research that may clarify this ongoing transition, opening some future scenarios. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Knowledge-based 3D imaging approach to represent the geometrical nature of architectural elements;

- Semantic modeling methodologies for architecture interpretation and data integration;

- Comparative analysis and multi-criteria classification methods, tools and applications;

- AR/MR approaches to geometrical shapes in-situ analysis, understanding, and story-telling;

- Innovative AI experiences for classification, annotation, and segmentation of architectural models.


July 1, 2020: Opening call for abstracts

October  1, October  15, 2020: Deadline abstract submission

November 1, 2020: Abstract acceptance

March 1, 2021: Deadline full paper submission

June 1, 2021: Full paper acceptance

July 1, 2021: Publication


To submit a proposal please visit:

Posted: 2020-07-01



Traveling from the Orient to the West and return. Cities, Architecture and Restoration.

Writings in memory of Paolo Cuneo


Editors Simonetta Ciranna and Paolo Girardelli


Twenty-five years from the death of Professor Paolo Cuneo (1936-1995), DisegnareCON wants to pay homage to this well-known researcher of architectural and urban history of the Islamic World, Caucasus and historic Armenia. He spent the last fruitful years (since 1987) of his activity as professor and researcher in Dipartimento di Architettura e Urbanistica (DAU now DICEAA – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile-Architettura, Ambientale) at University of L’Aquila.

The multidisciplinary approach, the capability to combine the physical knowledge of architecture (included in its urban texture and geography) with its history, documented through bibliographical, archival, iconographical and icnographical studies, represent the “red tread” of his fundamental studies focusing on multiethnic, multicultural and multireligious reality; noteworthy Storia dell’urbanistica. Il mondo islamico, Roma-Bari 1986 and Architettura Armena dal quarto al diciannovesimo secolo, Roma 1988.

In the wake of great scholars of the past, Paolo Cuneo investigates cities, countries and architectures through direct and indirect knowledge, in which design represents the specific and conscious instrument for analyzing, comparing, comprehending and divulging an architectural lexicon linking to a geographical area that spreads from the Mediterranean to Caucasus, Maghreb, Yemen, Libya, without omitting Italy. An insatiable and cultured curiosity, joined with a methodology culminating in identifying the character of buildings, creating categories and systematizing data on a large also geographical scale. At the beginning of the computer age, in the eighties, this approach brought Cuneo, supported by many enthusiastic collaborators and friends, to organize the digitalization of Islamic monumental architecture. More than 33.000 monumental buildings and complexes were listed and described in their historical, typological and structural characteristics largely through maps, plans, details at times drawn up in situ during the numerous international missions.

An awareness process and a multidisciplinary and multicultural idea constitute today, more than before, a fertile terrain and a rich laboratory of topics to deepen. Topics will be explored, analyzed, contextualized in the next number of DisegnareCON, to explore, analyze, contextualize issues focused on architecture and monumental heritage, cities and territories studied by Cuneo or related to his researches, as follows:


-        Cities: places of cultural exchange, subordination and insubordination

-        West outside West / East outside Est

-        ‘Fragility’ of religious heritage: from restoration to destruction

-        Drawings and reports of trip, photographic iconographic and ichnographic documents,digitalization and classification for the knowledge of monuments, cities and territories.



February 5, 2020: Opening call for abstracts

March 20 April 15, 2020: Deadline abstract submission

May 4, 2020: Abstract acceptance

July 30, 2020: Deadline full paper submission

October 10, 2020: Full paper acceptance


To submit a proposal:



In viaggio da Oriente a Occidente e ritorno. Città, architettura e restauro

Scritti in memoria di Paolo Cuneo


a cura di Simonetta Ciranna e Paolo Girardelli


A 25 anni dalla morte del professor Paolo Cuneo (1936-1995), DisegnareCON vuole rendere omaggio al noto studioso di storia dell’architettura e della città del mondo islamico, del Caucaso e dell’Armenia storica, che ha svolto dal 1987 gli ultimi fecondi anni della sua attività di docente e ricercatore nel Dipartimento di Architettura e Urbanistica (DAU ora DICEAA - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile-Architettura, Ambientale) dell’Università dell’Aquila.

L’approccio multidisciplinare, la capacità di fondere la conoscenza fisica del manufatto architettonico compreso nel suo tessuto urbano e nella geografia dei luoghi con la sua storia, restituita attraverso l’indagine bibliografica, archivistica, iconografica e iconografica, costituiscono la filigrana dei suoi fondamentali studi incentrati su realtà multietniche, multiculturali e multireligiose; valgano tra tutti Storia dell’urbanistica. Il mondo islamico, Roma-Bari 1986 e Architettura armena dal quarto al diciannovesimo secolo, Roma 1988.

Sulla scia dei grandi studiosi del passato, città, territori e architetture sono percorsi da Paolo Cuneo attraverso una conoscenza diretta e indiretta nella quale il disegno costituisce lo strumento autonomo e consapevole per analizzare, confrontare, restituire, comprendere e diffondere vocabolari architettonici che si intrecciano su una geografia che dal cuore del Mediterraneo, si estende dal Caucaso al Maghreb, dallo Yemen alla Libia fino alle Comore, senza tralasciare l’Italia. Una curiosità insaziabile e colta, unita a una metodologia finalizzata a identificare i caratteri degli edifici, creare delle categorie e sistematizzare una raccolta di dati a scala ampia anche geografica: una metodologia che ai primordi dell’uso del computer lo ha portato a predisporre, a partire dai primi anni Ottanta, insieme ai suoi numerosi e appassionati collaboratori e amici, la digitalizzazione dei monumenti dell’architettura islamica. Oltre 33.000 edifici e complessi monumentali sono stati censiti e descritti nelle loro caratteristiche storiche, tipologiche, costruttive, in larga parte anche attraverso planimetrie, talvolta tracciate in situ nel corso di numerose missioni internazionali.

Un processo di conoscenza e un’idea di multidisciplinarità e multiculturalità che costituiscono oggi più di ieri un terreno fertile di ricerca e un laboratorio ricco di argomenti di approfondimento, quindi, per il prossimo numero di DisegnareCON attraverso il quale esplorare, analizzare, contestualizzare temi inerenti l’architettura e il patrimonio monumentale, le città e i territori percorsi da Cuneo o coerenti alle sue ricerche, quali:


-        Città: luoghi di scambio, subordinazione e insubordinazione culturale

-        L’Occidente fuori dall’Occidente/ L’Oriente fuori dall’Oriente

-        ‘Fragilità’ del patrimonio religioso: dal restauro alla distruzione 

-        Dal disegno e i report di viaggio, alla documentazione fotografica e ico/icnografica fino alla digitalizzazione e schedatura per la conoscenza di monumenti, città e territori.


Febbraio 5, 2020: Apertura call

Marzo 20, 2020: Termine ultimo consegna abstract

Maggio 4, 2020: Accettazione abstract

Luglio 30, 2020: Termine ultimo invio testi

Ottobre 10, 2020: Accettazione testi


Per inviare una proposta:

Posted: 2020-02-04



“Street art. Drawing on the walls”


Editors Antonella di Luggo and Ornella Zerlenga


In mass communication, city walls have always played an important role in being carriers of visual messages: from Roman epigraphs to Mexican muralism, the mural paintings of fascist propaganda, well-known graffiti and today street art.

The historical references of street art date back to the 1970s when the youth phenomenon of writing or graffiti art developed in the poorest and most degraded neighborhoods of the main American cities. Characterized by an aggressive and often incomprehensible graphic sign, this ‘graffiti’ was often identified with social exclusion. In this sense, as a spontaneous artistic expression, they arise from this rebellion by using walls, styles, languages, techniques and poetics to communicate the cultural discomforts of the contemporary world.

At the beginning of the 1980s, this form of art arrived in Italy with the exhibition Arte di frontiera: New York graffiti, presented by the art critic Francesca Alinovi at the Gallery of Modern Art GAM of Bologna. This form of mural art soon spread to the main Italian cities in the name of a message of underground cultural protest parallel to the world of institutional art.

Although the action of this mural art does not disregard its most salient element (illegality and subordination to rules), its widespread use soon led to a change of the cultural order. From a vandalistic and isolated phenomenon, this artistic expression became an instrument of urban regeneration for sustainability, along with the physical, social and economic redemption of the degraded suburbs as an alternative to the intervention of the public administration. At the same time, the rulings issued in favour of street art induced public opinion as well as the legal institutions to recognize this form of art as a promoter of urban redevelopment.

The purpose of this mural art changed: no longer the soiling of walls but rather the construction of a sense of beauty (where there is none) to favour belonging to peripheral and/or degraded places, activate physical and social requalification, encourage tourism cultural. These new wall images, no longer detached from the context but adapted to architecture and street views, inaugurated the season of street art or urban art, whose widespread success opened up new and more critical considerations such as the impermanence of this art and the need to preserve it, the theft of mobile works commissioned by art collectors, the organization of media events that undermines the identity nature of this mural art or spontaneity.

“Street art. Drawing on walls” is, therefore, the new call for the next issue of DisegnareCON with which once again drawing becomes a broad horizon of topics to be explored, such as:


• history of mural art;

• graffiti and youth rebellion;

• methods, techniques, styles, languages of writing and street art;

• poetic and narrative aestheticism of street art;

• the relationship with urban space, architecture, infrastructures;

street art and urban regeneration projects;

• national and international scenarios;

street artists: interview with...

• ... and many other ideas and considerations that you will want to share on mural art.



November 1, 2019: Opening call for abstracts

November 30, December 16 2019: Postposed deadline abstract submission

January 20, 2020: Abstract acceptance

May 15, 2020: Deadline full paper submission

June 30, 2020: Full paper acceptance


To submit a proposal:


“Street art. Disegnare sui muri”


Editors Antonella di Luggo and Ornella Zerlenga


Nella comunicazione di massa, da sempre i muri delle città hanno svolto un ruolo rilevante nell’essere portatori di messaggi visivi: dalle epigrafi romane al muralismo messicano, alla pittura murale di propaganda fascista, ai ben noti graffiti e oggi street art.

I riferimenti storici della street art risalgono agli anni Settanta del secolo scorso quando il fenomeno giovanile del writing o graffiti art si sviluppa nei quartieri più poveri e degradati delle principali città americane. Connotati da un segno grafico aggressivo e spesso incomprensibile, questi graffiti si identificano con l’emarginazione sociale. In tal senso, quale espressione artistica spontanea, essi nascono da questa ribellione utilizzando muri, stili, linguaggi, tecniche e poetiche per comunicare i disagi culturali della contemporaneità.

Agli inizi degli anni Ottanta questa forma di arte arriva in Italia con la mostra Arte di frontiera: New York graffiti, presentata dalla critica d’arte Francesca Alinovi alla Galleria d’Arte Moderna GAM di Bologna. Ben presto, questa forma di arte murale si diffonde nelle principali città italiane all’insegna di un messaggio di protesta culturale underground parallelo al mondo dell’arte istituzionale.

Sebbene l’azione di quest’arte murale non prescinda dal suo elemento più saliente (l’illegalità e la subalternità alle regole), la sua diffusione a macchia d’olio comporta ben presto una modifica d’ordine culturale. Da fenomeno vandalico e isolato, questa espressione artistica diventa strumento di rigenerazione urbana per la sostenibilità e il riscatto fisico, sociale ed economico delle periferie degradate in alternativa all’intervento della pubblica amministrazione. Al contempo, le sentenze giudiziarie emesse a favore dell’arte di strada inducono l’opinione pubblica e l’istituzione legale a riconoscere questa forma d’arte come promotrice di riqualificazione urbana.

La finalità di questa arte murale cambia: non più imbrattamento di muri ma costruzione di un senso di bellezza (dove non c’è) per favorire l’appartenenza a luoghi periferici e/o degradati, attivare la riqualificazione fisica e sociale, incentivare il turismo culturale. Queste nuove immagini murali, non più avulse dal contesto ma adattate all’architettura e alle visuali stradali, inaugura la stagione della street art o urban art, il cui dilagante successo apre a nuove e più critiche considerazioni come l’impermanenza di questa arte e la necessità di preservarla, i furti di opere mobili commissionate da collezionisti d’arte, l’organizzazione di eventi mediatici che insidia il carattere identitario di quest’arte murale ovvero la spontaneità.

“Street art. Disegnare sui muri” è, dunque, la nuova call per il prossimo numero di DisegnareCON con cui ancora una volta il disegno si fa ampio orizzonte di argomenti da esplorare, come per esempio:

  • la storia dell’arte murale;
  • i graffiti e la ribellione giovanile;
  • metodi, tecniche, stili, linguaggi del writing e della street art;
  • poetiche ed estetismo narrativo della street art;
  • il rapporto con lo spazio urbano, con l’architettura, con le infrastrutture;
  • street art e progetti di rigenerazione urbana;
  • gli scenari nazionali e internazionali;
  • street artists: intervista a…
  • …e tanti altri spunti e riflessioni che si vorranno condividere sull’arte murale.
Posted: 2019-10-28



Experiential Design for Heritage and Environmental Representation


Giuseppe Amoruso (Politecnico di Milano)

Tomasz Jelenski (Cracow University of Technology)


The learning society represents a new human condition with knowledge as a new form of capital and experiential design as a new form of economy.

The process of visual representation allows us to anticipate the effects of an idea by conceiving and producing images showing the look and function or workings of an artifact before it is made, as well the survey of tangible and intangible phenomena, cultural landscapes and heritage, to support greater access, use, and knowledge regeneration.

The new issue of DISEGNARECON is aiming to promote an interdisciplinary and international exchange of qualitative research and case studies where drawing and technologically innovative imaging broaden the experience, generate knowledge, as well as stimulate the narrative, dialogue, and involvement of people in the regeneration of places and culturally engaging environments.

Drawing as experience makes possible to achieve multiple forms of representation. It fosters both the understanding and the design that is unrestricted to shaping the experience of goods or spaces (experience economy), but introduces an advanced vision of things and systems and stimulates a shared vision of material culture.

Computer graphics and digital imaging are changing the relationship between designers, users, environment, cultural and educational content of cities, physical and virtual public space, as well as an archive, library, and museum collections. The urban and architectural environments need to be reimagined and transformed considering their virtual extensions and allowing a range of customizations linked to the selection of contents. Participation, interaction, and sharing of information mediated by users and synthesized by means of drawing, rendering, mapping, and modeling, should also lead to innovative solutions for environments wellbeing, safety, and ergonomics, and ensure wider access to high-quality cultural contents.

The forthcoming DISEGNARECON issue will include case studies and best practices to face the challenges of capturing and designing a physical space or envisioning a cultural space that is set up with innovative ICT technologies (survey, archives, projection, modeling, sensors, light, digital representation, interaction) including a process of citizen participation in decision making.

The issue will disseminate multidisciplinary methodologies encompassing several topics:

  • Places for culture: immersive simulation and cultural experience
  • Digital heritage: technology, spaces, content, sociality, visualizations
  • Open access to cultural heritage: learning, dialogue, participation, decision making
  • Urban environments: design process, interaction, mapping, memory, communication


  • October, 26: Abstract Submission
  • November, 4: Abstract Acceptance
  • December, 2: Full Paper Submission
  • December, 22: Full Paper Acceptance

Before submitting a proposal, authors are kindly requested to download Author Guidelines at:

Posted: 2019-09-23



“Drawing the territory and the landscape”

“Disegnare il territorio e il paesaggio”

“Dibujando el territorio y el paisaje”


Editors Pilar Chias Navarro and Lia Maria Papa


Territories and landscapes make up a significant part of the cultural heritage, that must be described, analyzed and disseminated.

The main target of this call is to stress the importance of cartography, urban sketching and landscape drawing as essential ways to represent both the built and the natural environment. Accordingly, we will check and explore:


  • The traditional and modern technologies.
  • The use of various scales, projection systems and drawing techniques.
  • The main authors and tendencies, as well as the outstanding drawing schools and competitions.


From a historical point of view, towns, territories and landscapes were depicted for various purposes. Maps and plans illustrated the power and properties of the Crown, but also represented civil engineering works or townscapes. On the other hand, landscape drawings can have largely subjective quotation or enhance the objectiveness. So many drawing possibilities open up a wide horizon of topics to be explored:


  • The evolution of landscape drawings and maps used in a professional context: drawing for urban and territorial planning, and for cultural heritage preservation.
  • Drawing as an essential research tool in territorial and urban studies.
  • Ancient maps, charts and plans.
  • Ancient and modern cartographic and topographic techniques.
  • Artists’ graphic expressions of the environment and painters’ masterworks: from the Dutch landscape painters to the École des Beaux Arts and the English school of landscapists, from Impressionism to contemporary artworks, etc.
  • Drawings and sketches by architects, travelogues, etc.
  • Fantastic lands and utopian towns.
  • Teaching strategies developed to represent territories and townscapes in an objective way, or aiming to express landscapes subjectively.


This way we will provide a wide comprehensive perspective of graphic and cartographic information to be used in future researches. But we will also offer a wide range of drawing possibilities to improve our graphic skills.





- April 5, April 12, 2019: Abstract submission

- April 19, April 26, 2018: Abstract acceptance

May 30, June 6, 2019: Full paper submission

June 15, June 22, July 10,2019: Full paper acceptance


To submit a proposal:

Posted: 2019-02-15

Proposal submission

To submit a paper proposal, please follow the "Online Submission" procedure.  
Posted: 2017-01-12
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