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Issue Title
Vol 10, No 19 (2017): ARCHAEOLOGICAL DRAWING On the assets of drawing Abstract   PDF
Giuseppa Novello, Maurizio Marco Bocconcino
Vol 10, No 19 (2017): ARCHAEOLOGICAL DRAWING disegnare con ... Alberto Pratelli Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Roberto Mingucci
Vol 17, No 32 (2024): 3D digital models. Accessibility and inclusive fruition 3D Digital Models / Accessibility and Inclusive Fruition Abstract   PDF   COVER PDF
Adriana Rossi, Luca Cipriani, Pedro Manuel Cabezos
Vol 17, No 32 (2024): 3D digital models. Accessibility and inclusive fruition 3D Heritage Data Fruition and Management. Point Cloud Processing for Thematic Interpretation Abstract   PDF
Federica Maietti, Gabriele Giau, Guido Galvani
Vol 16, No 31 (2023): Architectural Heritage Imaging 3D models and digital images for interpreting and communicating the evolution of the historic city Abstract   PDF
Francesca Savini, Alessio Cordisco, Ilaria Trizio
Vol 14, No 26 (2021): Semantic-driven analysis and classification in architectural heritage 3D Parametric Modelling based on Point Cloud for the Interpretation of the Archaeological Remains Abstract   PDF
Fausta Fiorillo, Corinna Rossi
Vol 9, No 17 (2016): VIRTUAL MUSEUMS OF ARCHITECTURE AND CITY 3D reconstruction of the city of Amatrice. An “instant modelling” operation Abstract   PDF-ENG   PDF-IT (Italiano)
Michele Calvano, Francesca Guadagnoli
Vol 8, No 14 (2015): Design for Restoration: beyond the survey 3D Survey and instability’s analysis of Romena parish Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Stefano Bertocci, Giovanni Minutoli, Giovanni Pancani
Vol 9, No 16 (2016): B.I.M. DIMENSIONS A BIM for the identity of historic urban landscapes. lntegrated aplica­tions of survey for the Certosa di Bologna architectural fieritage. Abstract   PDF_it (Italiano)   PDF_En
Giuseppe Amoruso, Andrea Manti
Vol 11, No 20 (2018): Co-Design: digital tools for knowledge-building and decision-making A Data Collection Application for Geosciences Professionals Abstract   PDF
Carla dos Santos Sá, Danilo Marques de Magalhães
Vol 11, No 20 (2018): Co-Design: digital tools for knowledge-building and decision-making A Didactic Experience on the Use of a Parametric Tool for Multicriteria Analysis in Planning Education Abstract   PDF
Silvio Romero Fonseca Motta, Marina Salgado, Eduardo Moutinho Ramalho Bittencourt, Guilherme Tavares Muzzi de Sousa, Jessye Ariane Gomes de Oliveira
Vol 13, No 25 (2020): Traveling from the Orient to the West and return. Cities, Architecture and Restoration.Writings in memory of Paolo Cuneo A fidelity made of stone. The Armenian Architecture seen from the Vayots-Dzor’ fringe Abstract   PDF
Cecilia Maria Roberta Luschi, Laura Aiello, Marta Zerbini
Vol 13, No 25 (2020): Traveling from the Orient to the West and return. Cities, Architecture and Restoration.Writings in memory of Paolo Cuneo A living legacy: heritage across borders Abstract   PDF
Paolo Girardelli
Vol 16, No 31 (2023): Architectural Heritage Imaging A Methodological Workflow for Cultural Heritage Management. The Case Study of Umbrian Castles Abstract   PDF
Valeria Menchetelli, Francesco Cotana, Chiara Spippoli
Vol 17, No 32 (2024): 3D digital models. Accessibility and inclusive fruition A methodology to make cultural heritage more accessible to people with visual disabilities through 3d Printing Abstract   PDF
Manuel De-Miguel-Sánchez, Nicolás Gutiérrez-Pérez
Vol 10, No 19 (2017): ARCHAEOLOGICAL DRAWING A multidisciplinary approach to digital archaeology Abstract   PDF
Rodolfo Maria Strollo, Saverio D'Auria, Fabrizio De Silla
Vol 16, No 30 (2023): Architectural and Archaeological Heritage. Workflow and Standards for the Survey A point cloud classification method for the Scan-to-BIM process in Architectural Heritage Abstract   PDF
Riccardo Tavolare, Elena Cabrera-Revuelta, Cesare Verdoscia, Michele Buldo
Vol 13, No 25 (2020): Traveling from the Orient to the West and return. Cities, Architecture and Restoration.Writings in memory of Paolo Cuneo A Project of digitalization and classification of Architectural Monuments of Islamic Countries Abstract   PDF
Maria Adelaide Lala Comneno
Vol 11, No 20 (2018): Co-Design: digital tools for knowledge-building and decision-making A research initiative on the use of Geodesign for public health in South America: An innovative approach Abstract   PDF
Elivelton Da Silva Fonseca, Ryan Harry Avery, Vladimir Diniz Vieira Ramos
Vol 16, No 30 (2023): Architectural and Archaeological Heritage. Workflow and Standards for the Survey A scalar approximation to the survey of the architectural, artistic and cultural heritage of the University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain) Abstract   PDF
Nicolas Gutierrez-Perez, Manuel De-Miguel-Sanchez
Vol 17, No 32 (2024): 3D digital models. Accessibility and inclusive fruition Accuracy measurement of automatic remeshing tools Abstract   PDF
Mattia Sullini
Vol 14, No 26 (2021): Semantic-driven analysis and classification in architectural heritage Acknowledging heritage through the landscape: towards a networked interpretation of the historical context of the territory. Abstract   PDF
Marina López Sánchez, Mercedes Linares Gómez del Pulgar, Antonio Tejedor Cabrera
Vol 11, No 21 (2018): Advanced Technologies for Historical Cities Visualization Advanced Technologies for Historical Cities Visualization Abstract   PDF
Andrea Giordano, Kristine Love Huffman
Vol 8, No 14 (2015): Design for Restoration: beyond the survey Alberti and Brunelleschi: the conservation of the memory toward the material’s restoration. The 3D database for documentation and the design process Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Marcello Balzani, Federica Maietti
Vol 16, No 31 (2023): Architectural Heritage Imaging Ambitions and (in)successes of mass tourism on the Gran Sasso d’Italia. Plans and projects for Castel del Monte and Campotosto in the 1960s-70s Abstract   PDF
Simonetta Ciranna, Marco Paolucci
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