The survey as a tool for analysis of the development project. The case study of Pieve a Socana.

Carlo Battini


The technological solutions, made available today, offer opportunities for great interest for the detection in the cultural heritage sector, both as regards the time of primary importance, the phase of acquisition of the given metric, both as regards the representation for objects of archaeological interest, artistic, architectural.

A architectural artifact is a set of three-dimensional components that define spatially a form and a project idea; the representation of the architecture may not use simply means two-dimensional graphs to describe it and describe it in all its parts, but need, and today it is possible, of systems that provide for the possibility to analyze from multiple points of view the forms that compose it.

Multimedia communication can play a very important role to obtain indications on the actions of recovery and enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage. A aid can be provided by informatics and systems of simulation of virtual reality with which, in addition to the delivery of information, you can view models capable of telling the development that the well has had in the history.

As case study analyzed for the definition of methodological research presented here was taken into consideration the Pieve di Sant'Antonino in Socana. This ancient church is located in the municipality of Castel Focognano in the Casentino area, located in the vicinity of a crossroads of important routes of the ancient road and medieval, in particular, in a point of convergence between the Rassina stream and the river Arno; preserves within its own structures the signs and testimonies of the various civilizations are in the valley, and therefore an interesting example of permanence of the sacredness of the place through the centuries.

The research examines the data collected from the campaignof integrated survey (performed using laser scanning systems, data acquired topographically and manual measurements) that are analyzed to find the the module of composition adopted by the designer.


Laser scanner; 3D Survey; three-dimensional modeling; virtual

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Copyright (c) 2015 Carlo Battini

ISSN 1828 5961
Registration at L'Aquila Law Court no 3/15 on 29th June, 2015.
Indexed in SCOPUS. Diamond Open Access. All papers are subjected to double blind peer review process by qualified reviewers.

Journal founded by Roberto Mingucci