Drone-based SVP utilization for revitalizing under-valued public open spaces: Case of Istanbul

Lima Najjar, Fatma Aycim Turer Baskaya


Digital technology interventions become non-separable from contemporary urbanscape. This study discusses drone-based spatial video projection (D-SVP) as a digital alternative to revitalize under-valued public open spaces (UVPOSs). Spatial video projection is a projection-based augmented reality technology that enables the projection of visual content over 3-D objects of any scale. D-SVP is an integrated system suggested by this study where the drone will be supported by data collection and projection devices, which means that D-SVP works for both the data collection and showing at once.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.20365/disegnarecon.29.2022.17


Drone; Mobile Spatial video projection; Spatial analysis; Space revitalization; Istanbul

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Copyright (c) 2022 Lima Najjar, Fatma Aycim Turer Baskaya

ISSN 1828 5961
Registration at L'Aquila Law Court no 3/15 on 29th June, 2015.
Indexed in SCOPUS. Diamond Open Access. All papers are subjected to double blind peer review process by qualified reviewers.

Journal founded by Roberto Mingucci