Computer Aided Architecture: origins and development

Alberto Sdegno


The essay deals with the birth of CAD (Computer Aided Design) in relation to topics of architecture (Computer Aided Architectural Design). The clo- se link between the themes of CAAD and futu- re BIM (Building Information Modeling) can cla- rify the conditions that have made possible the spread of BIM as a reference standard. We shall both consider research by Charles Eastman in the 1970s, and describe relevant considerations con- cerning the history of computer graphics and the architectural design, by Ivan Sutherland, Steven Coons, Nicholas Negroponte, Christopher Alexan- der, Douglas Engelbart, William Mitchell, Warren Chalk, Mario Carpo, Jean Nouvel. There are many systems that have anticipated the BIM, such as the Building Description System (BDS), the General Space Planner (GSP), the CO- PLANNER, the URBAN5, the Building Optimiza- tion Program (BOP), the BUILD. 


architecture, modeling, BIM, CAAD, drawing


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Registration at L'Aquila Law Court no 3/15 on 29th June, 2015.
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Journal founded by Roberto Mingucci