Alberti and Brunelleschi: the conservation of the memory toward the material’s restoration. The 3D database for documentation and the design process

Marcello Balzani, Federica Maietti


The complexity of the morphometric data sources
arouses comparisons and researches among measures
and the ability to data display and direct
query. The 3D database, developed in the case of
Alberti’s architectures with critical-interpretative
purposes for historians of art and architecture,
also becomes a tool to simulate spatial solutions
and management and control of the construction
site. The restoration of the Istituto degli Innocenti
in Florence is effectively an opportunity
to understand how morphometric data allow to
develop design solutions for the new accessibility
of the Museum based on the “measure” of Brunelleschi.
By means of these two approaches, the
topic of the documentation of the “memory” is
developed and finalized, through query, browsing
and representation techniques, to the restoration


documentation; restoration; databases; survey; 3D models; geometric memory

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Registration at L'Aquila Law Court no 3/15 on 29th June, 2015.
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Journal founded by Roberto Mingucci