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Survey activities seeks recovery of an old town in Abruzzo hit by the earthquake of 2009

Pasquale Tunzi


After the earthquake of L’Aquila in 2009, the Pescara University “G. d’Annunzio” undertook a study about some of the fifty-seven urban centers affected by the earthquake in order to recover them. Real estate  damages were huge and 47% of buildings were completely unusable. In order to cope with the urgencies, as indicated by the Region, campaigns have been organized of survey. Here is presented the survey related to the medieval town of Brittoli, located on the foothills of the Gran Sasso, led by a team of the Faculty of Architecture, using various methods. The produced material, along with the other six municipalities, provided support for the Reconstruction Plans of Municipalities in the Homogenous Area 5.


Integrated Surveying; historic center; earthquake; Abruzzo


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Galadini, F., Varagnoli, C. (2016). Marsica 1915 - L’Aquila 2009. Un secolo di ricostruzioni. Roma: Gangemi.

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ISSN 1828 5961
Registration at L'Aquila Law Court no 3/15 on 29th June, 2015.
Indexed in SCOPUS. Diamond Open Access. All papers are subjected to double blind peer review process by qualified reviewers.

Journal founded by Roberto Mingucci