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Issue Title
Vol 8, No 15 (2015): Measures in Architecture The measures of the castle San Felice a Cancello Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Adriana Rossi
Vol 10, No 19 (2017): ARCHAEOLOGICAL DRAWING The methodology of interpreting and promoting historical heritage: the Maxentius complex on the Appia Antica Abstract   PDF
Maria Grazia Cianci, Sara Colaceci
Vol 8, No 14 (2015): Design for Restoration: beyond the survey The moving image to know and document the architecture of smaller historical centers. Some examples in the valley of Amaseno Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Maria Martone, Floriana Papa
Vol 8, No 15 (2015): Measures in Architecture The nonagon as a tool for the drawing of the Roman Theatre of Lecce Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Giampiero Mele, Giorgia Maniglio
Vol 12, No 22 (2019): Drawing the territory and the landscape The overlapped skyline of the Baroque cities in the Val di Noto. Abstract   PDF
Salvatore Santuccio
Vol 16, No 30 (2023): Architectural and Archaeological Heritage. Workflow and Standards for the Survey The potential of HBIM for visualizing graphic analyses of heritage architecture: the bell tower of Valencia Cathedral Abstract   PDF
Concepción López González, Pablo Ariel Escudero, Jorge Luis García-Valldecabres
Vol 11, No 20 (2018): Co-Design: digital tools for knowledge-building and decision-making The Relationship Between Green Areas and Slope: Case Study the City of Prague Abstract   PDF
Nicole Andrade da Rocha, Henry W. A. Hansov IV, Peter Kumble, Jenan Hussein, Ana Clara Mourão Moura
Vol 17, No 33 (2024): Forest Therapy. The challenge of the future for the project of living environments The relationship between healthcare architecture and nature: interaction with the landscape as therapy Abstract   PDF
Teresa Sánchez-Jáuregui Descalzo, Nicolás Gutiérrez-Pérez, Tomás Abad Balboa, Pilar Chías Navarro
Vol 14, No 27 (2021): Virtual reconstruction and restoration. Comparing methodologies, practices, and experiences The representation of architectural heritage: a process of knowledge-sharing between history and virtual reconstruction Abstract   PDF
Mariapaola Vozzola
Vol 8, No 14 (2015): Design for Restoration: beyond the survey The restoration of Casa d’Annunzio in the drawings of Antonino Liberi (1921-1929) Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Pasquale Tunzi
Vol 16, No 31 (2023): Architectural Heritage Imaging The Rocca Malatestiana of Verucchio. SCAN to HBIM process for the digitisation of cultural site with severe topography condition Abstract   PDF
Luca Rossato, Fabio Planu, Greta Montanari
Vol 13, No 25 (2020): Traveling from the Orient to the West and return. Cities, Architecture and Restoration.Writings in memory of Paolo Cuneo The Rock-hewn Churches of Tǝgray (Ethiopia): New Studies in Qwälla and Dǝggwǝʽa Tämben and Säḥarti Samre districts. A Trip Report Abstract   PDF
Sergey Klyuev
Vol 9, No 16 (2016): B.I.M. DIMENSIONS The role of BIM (Building Information Modeling) for representation and managing of built and historic artifacts Abstract   PDF-it (Italiano)   PDF-en
Carlo Bianchini, Carlo Inglese, Alfonso Ippolito
Vol 8, No 14 (2015): Design for Restoration: beyond the survey The role of drawing in the conservation project: the case study of the Lombardy castle in Enna Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Alessio Cardaci, Mariangela Liuzzo, Antonella Versaci
Vol 17, No 32 (2024): 3D digital models. Accessibility and inclusive fruition The Scuola Grande di San Marco in Venice between architecture and perspective reliefs: restitutions and applications of advanced fruition Abstract   PDF
Silvia Masserano, Veronica Riavis
Vol 12, No 22 (2019): Drawing the territory and the landscape The shape of the liquid plain: sicilian salt flats Abstract   PDF
Felice Romano, Salvatore Damiano
Vol 8, No 14 (2015): Design for Restoration: beyond the survey The survey and the analysis as guidelines for the reutilization of the Palazzo Baronale of Pisignano (LE) Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Giampiero Mele, Federica Rovo
Vol 8, No 15 (2015): Measures in Architecture The survey as a tool for analysis of the development project. The case study of Pieve a Socana. Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Carlo Battini
Vol 10, No 18 (2017): THE SURVEY FOR THE RESTORATION OF HISTORICAL HERITAGE The survey for the conservation and restoration of historical towns, in contexts affected by seismic events Abstract   PDF-IT (Italiano)   PDF-ENG
Marco Bini, Stefano Bertocci
Vol 10, No 18 (2017): THE SURVEY FOR THE RESTORATION OF HISTORICAL HERITAGE The survey for the conservation and valorisation of rural villages of Central Sicily: the case study of Borgo Lupo in Mineo Abstract   PDF-IT (Italiano)   PDF-ENG
Alessio Cardaci, Antonella Versaci
Vol 11, No 21 (2018): Advanced Technologies for Historical Cities Visualization The Suzhou handscroll: oblique images of a Far East city between remembrance and future Abstract   PDF
Agostino De Rosa, Alessio Bortot, Giulia Lazzaretto
Vol 8, No 15 (2015): Measures in Architecture The Symbol and the Reason. Numbers, Shape and Measure in the Architecture of Parma’s Cemetery Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Michela Rossi
Vol 16, No 31 (2023): Architectural Heritage Imaging The Tale of the Roman Theater of Philadelphia, Amman. Representative and experiential methodology of the theatrical space Abstract   PDF
Giuseppe Amoruso
Vol 8, No 14 (2015): Design for Restoration: beyond the survey The textured aspect of a painted wall: hypothesis of staining through the combination of traditional and digital techniques Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Francesca Porfiri
Vol 13, No 25 (2020): Traveling from the Orient to the West and return. Cities, Architecture and Restoration.Writings in memory of Paolo Cuneo The theme of a Domed Rotunda in Ani School of Armenian Architecture during the Bagratids' Era: Interpretation of the Classical Image Abstract   PDF
Armen Kazaryan
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