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Issue Title
Vol 13, No 24 (2020): Street art. Drawing on the walls The T.R.U.St Project: A Street Art Experience in Taranto Abstract   PDF
Ubaldo Occhinegro, Fabrizio Manzulli
Vol 14, No 27 (2021): Virtual reconstruction and restoration. Comparing methodologies, practices, and experiences The Umberto Di Segni’s Synagogue In the Medina of Tripoli: Virtual Reconstruction and Restoration Abstract   PDF
Ludovico Micara
Vol 12, No 22 (2019): Drawing the territory and the landscape The Urban Draw of Pistoia: from historical cartography to metric design Abstract   PDF
Nicola Velluzzi
Vol 11, No 20 (2018): Co-Design: digital tools for knowledge-building and decision-making The Use of 3D GIS Models for Spatial Analysis: A Case Study From the City of Fortaleza, Brazil Abstract   PDF
Caroline Câmara Benevides, Suellen Roquete Ribeiro, Ana Paula Falcão, Jorge Bapista Silva, Ana Clara Mourão Moura
Vol 17, No 33 (2024): Forest Therapy. The challenge of the future for the project of living environments The Vegetal Corridor as a Landscape and Environmental Tool for Biodiversity Conservation: The Case of the Cali River in Colombia Abstract   PDF
Vol 13, No 25 (2020): Traveling from the Orient to the West and return. Cities, Architecture and Restoration.Writings in memory of Paolo Cuneo The virtual reconstruction of the historic districts of Shanghai European identity in traditional Chinese architecture Abstract   PDF
Sandro Parrinello
Vol 9, No 17 (2016): VIRTUAL MUSEUMS OF ARCHITECTURE AND CITY The virtual restoration of the former ducal chapel of San Ludovico in Parma Abstract   PDF-IT (Italiano)   PDF-ENG
Andrea Zerbi, Andrea Maiocchi, Carlo Mambriani, Riccardo Roncella
Vol 13, No 24 (2020): Street art. Drawing on the walls The visual culture of the images of the revolt (1968/1977) Abstract   PDF
Francesca Fatta
Vol 9, No 17 (2016): VIRTUAL MUSEUMS OF ARCHITECTURE AND CITY The ‘migration’ of reality in virtual scenarios: databases and documentation systems for the musealization of complex environments Abstract   PDF-ENG   PDF-IT (Italiano)
Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio, Monica Bercigli
Vol 11, No 21 (2018): Advanced Technologies for Historical Cities Visualization The “ideal” city and the “real” city painted by Tintoretto Abstract   PDF
Isabella Friso, Gabriella Liva, Gianmario Guidarelli
Vol 16, No 30 (2023): Architectural and Archaeological Heritage. Workflow and Standards for the Survey Three-dimensional urban models in complex rural environments. Proposal for automation in the historical centre of Cehegín. Abstract   PDF
Manuel Alejandro Ródenas-López, Josefina García-León, Pedro Miguel Jiménez-Vicario, Siham El Ghomari-Bakhat
Vol 12, No 22 (2019): Drawing the territory and the landscape Time and space. The drawing of the space in motion. Abstract   PDF
Rosario Marrocco, Gerardo Maria Cennamo
Vol 15, No 29 (2022): Drones and Drawings - methods of data acquisition, management, and representation TLS e UAS 3D data integration for the knowledge and representation of a mid-18th century architecture: the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Adrano (CT) Abstract   PDF
Graziana D'Agostino, Raissa Garozzo, Marco Bertolone, Mariateresa Galizia
Vol 15, No 29 (2022): Drones and Drawings - methods of data acquisition, management, and representation Tools development to optimize the use of micro-drones for architectural cultural heritage survey Abstract   PDF
Andrea Tomalini, Edoardo Pristeri, Jacopo Bono
Vol 11, No 20 (2018): Co-Design: digital tools for knowledge-building and decision-making Toward a Geodesign Process Analytics Abstract   PDF
Chiara Cocco, Michele Campagna
Vol 14, No 26 (2021): Semantic-driven analysis and classification in architectural heritage Towards a multi-scale semantic characterization of the built heritage: From the column to the urban scale. Abstract   PDF
David Lo Buglio, Alexandre Van Dongen
Vol 8, No 14 (2015): Design for Restoration: beyond the survey Towards the creation of a US national heritage: documentation and survey for the understanding and safeguard of the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Mariella La Mantia
Vol 11, No 21 (2018): Advanced Technologies for Historical Cities Visualization Traditional Museums, virtual Museums. Dissemination role of ICTs. Abstract   PDF
Tommaso Empler
Vol 14, No 27 (2021): Virtual reconstruction and restoration. Comparing methodologies, practices, and experiences Two methodologies for the virtual reconstruction of the architectural remains of a Late Roman archaeological site based on the 3D point cloud Abstract   PDF
Fausta Fiorillo, Corinna Rossi, Michela Morandi
Vol 15, No 29 (2022): Drones and Drawings - methods of data acquisition, management, and representation UAV photogrammetric survey and image-Based elaborations for an Industrial Plant. Abstract   PDF
Anna Sanseverino, Marco Limongiello, Fausta Fiorillo
Vol 15, No 29 (2022): Drones and Drawings - methods of data acquisition, management, and representation UAVs and GIS models for landscape representation Abstract   PDF
Sara Colaceci, Emanuela Chiavoni, Maria Grazia Cianci
Vol 15, No 29 (2022): Drones and Drawings - methods of data acquisition, management, and representation UAVs for the visualization, preservation, and sharing of “lost” eighteenth century fortified system on Monte Urpino hill in Cagliari (Italy) Abstract   PDF
Andrea Pirinu, Nicola Paba
Vol 15, No 29 (2022): Drones and Drawings - methods of data acquisition, management, and representation Ultralight UAV for steep-hill archaeological 3D survey Abstract   PDF
Michele Russo, Federico Panarotto, Giulia Flenghi, Valentina Russo, Alberto Pellegrinelli
Volumes from 2006 to 2014 Una macchina di legno nel Teatro Comunale di Bologna Abstract   PDF (Italiano)
Giuseppe Amoruso
Vol 16, No 30 (2023): Architectural and Archaeological Heritage. Workflow and Standards for the Survey Universal Point Cloud viewer based on Unreal Engine Abstract   PDF
Daniel Martín-Fuentes, Pedro Manuel Cabezos-Bernal
401 - 425 of 458 Items << < 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 > >>